From the daily archives:

Sunday, September 6, 2009

I need to upgrade my crib

by Maile Girl on September 6, 2009

Okay, so as my daddy previously mentioned, we are on a “vacation” this weekend. I don’t work, so not sure what I’m vacationing from exactly, but I can certainly get used to this.

We are staying at a resort called the St. Regis Resort at Monarch Beach. My mommy’s friend, Kari, is getting married here. I asked my daddy what a “resort” was and he said its just a really nice “hotel”. I then asked him what a “hotel” was and well, we didn’t get very far after that.

But I can tell you one thing, the beds in this place are AMAZING. I liked the bed so much that I actually slept for 7 hours last night! Need to figure out how to bribe my daddy into dumping my crib in exchange for one of these puppies…

This is comfy...

Not sure where Mommy and Daddy are sleeping, but I'm good right here...

Seriously, can I get one of these for my room?

Seriously, can I get one of these for my room?

Dad, you hook me up with one of these, no more waking up in the middle of the night. Pinky swear!

Dad, you hook me up with one of these, no more waking up in the middle of the night. Pinky swear!

(Dad note: It’s true, Maile did really sleep for 7 hours. It’s the longest Christine has slept uninterrupted since she was born!)

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Maile’s First Plane Ride

by Papa K on September 6, 2009

This is a weekend of “firsts” for Maile. Christine’s very good friend from childhood, Kari, is getting married outside of Los Angeles and we came down for the festivities. Maile has a lot of travel coming up and we thought San Francisco to LA would be a good test drive.

First up was the plane ride – well, before we got to that, we had to get through the logistics of getting to the airport. Christine and I pride ourselves on being light packers, but our little baby girl basically doubled our gear. Amazing that such a little thing can require so much stuff! We still managed to get everything into two carry-ons so we didn’t have to check anything. (Lesson learned for next time though is to pack the car the night before – between feedings and the stroller and everything else – we definitely were rushing a bit in the AM.)

Security went pretty smooth – although definitely props to parents who can do this solo – Chris carried Maile while I broke down the stroller and got everything lined up on the x-ray machine. Four hands were definitely nice – two would have been a challenge.

Apparently, our daughter is free of metal - security was smooth sailing...

Apparently, our daughter is free of metal - security was smooth sailing...

We were about an hour early for our flight. The flight at the gate next to us was going to Vegas – to say that crowd was entertaining themselves slightly differently than Christine and I is an understatement.

These things are safe, right?

These things are safe, right?

Once we boarded, Maile conked right out and pretty much stayed that way the entire flight! Christine fed her as we landed (a tip that a few friends shared to help with the change in pressure – feeding keeps them swallowing.) Maile did so well that the people behind us were surprised to learn that we had a baby with us!

Yay, we made it to LA!

Yay, we made it to LA!

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