This weekend I went on an adventure. At first I thought it was because I was turning 12 weeks old on Saturday, but daddy informed me it was actually because he and mommy were celebrating their 2nd anniversary. I told daddy that I thought 12 weeks being alive was much more interesting than 2 years of marriage – he told me I had a point, but that I shouldn’t tell mommy.
In any event, we went to this place called Half Moon Bay that is about 45 minutes south of San Francisco. The drive there was really pretty – I got to see the ocean in full effect and daddy enjoyed the twisty turns.
We stayed for the night at a nice hotel just outside of the downtown area. Yes, there was a big bed again. And yes, mommy and daddy made me take a picture on it. Shocking, right?
On Sunday morning we woke up a bit earlier than daddy was hoping. Apparently, I haven’t grasped the concept of “sleeping in” that mommy and daddy seemed all excited about. I woke up at 7 AM and just started chatting away.
Then we got all dressed up – I wore a pretty new dress that Grandma Gail sent me – and we went to this fancy hotel called the “Ritz” where I participated in my very first “buffet brunch”. It all seemed like a regular restaurant to me except mommy and daddy kept getting up and getting their food themselves. I sat there and looked cute – which is pretty much my go to move at restaurants.
All in all it was a fun little get-a-way – can’t wait to see where we head next!
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