From the daily archives:

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Thursday Night Hang

by Maile Girl on November 5, 2009

I’ve been going to bed earlier and earlier (and also sleeping longer too…) I typically go to bed now between 7 and 7:30 PM. Before it was closer to 8:30 PM. It’s definitely good that I am getting more sleep, but it means less time to spend with mommy and daddy after they get home from work. Tonight though daddy came home a little early and we all had fun hanging out before I went to sleep. Here are some shots we took…

Daddy's legs are quite comfortable...

Daddy's legs are quite comfortable...



I'm being shy ... yeah, right!

I'm being shy ... yeah, right!

This ball is fascinating ...

This ball is fascinating ...

... and yummy too!

... and yummy too!

I hope daddy isn't saying anything too important here because I don't fully understand english yet - I'll just laugh so he thinks I know what he is talking about...

I hope daddy isn't saying anything too important here because I don't fully understand english yet - I'll just laugh so he thinks I know what he is talking about...

So much fun hanging out with mommy and daddy!

So much fun hanging out with mommy and daddy!

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