… you know what that means – party time!
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Growing up with a little of both and the lessons learned along the way
From the monthly archives:
… you know what that means – party time!
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Last night I was getting ready for bed when all of a sudden the door bell rang and this man in a suit appeared. Who was the man in the suit? My cousin Jason! How fun is that?
Jason said he was in town on “business” – awfully nice of his company to fly him in just to see me. And very sweet of him to dress up for the occassion!
In fact, I was so excited to see Jason, I decided to treat him to one of my “firsts”. Future Maile trivia alert – when Jason put out his hand for a high five, I reached out and slapped it! Yep, cousin Jason can lay claim to my first official high five – daddy certified it and everything.
Thanks for coming to visit cousin Jason!
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Remember when I got a Wills for Hanukkah? Well, guess what? Yesterday, for my half birthday, mommy and daddy got me a Hannah!
(Dad note: We’re working with Maile to explain that technically Hannah isn’t “hers” – Hannah is Maile’s friend and we are doing a nanny share. So 4 days a week, Hannah will be coming over to the house and Megan (our nanny) will be watching both girls.)
I’m pretty excited that I’ll be getting to spend more time with Hannah – she’s exactly one month younger than me (her birthday is August 11th). I have a feeling we are going to do all types of fun things together in the months ahead. It will be a little hard to share all my toys with her – but daddy says it will be a good lesson for me.
(Click here for the video.)
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6 months. Wow.
Typically on these milestone days, I like to look back over the blog and marvel at how much Maile has grown. If you’d like to follow along, here’s a quick tour…
Here’s month #1.
And month #2.
And finally, month #5.
I like to think that one day Maile will get a kick out of doing the same. I lost count of the number of diapers a long time ago. But I can tell you that Maile and I have made 204 posts to this blog and we’ve taken 4,000 pictures. That’s almost 1 picture for every hour that Maile has been alive. I can remember a handful of embarrassing pictures that I discovered when I was a teenager. Maile might have 20,000 … by the time she is 3!
It really feels like she’s coming in to her own this month. It’s amazing how much more interactive she is now – whether its playing with her toys or with mommy and daddy (of course, we prefer the latter).The milestones (rolling around, sitting up, holding her own bottle, etc.) seem to be coming faster and faster – Chris and I can’t wait to see what is going to happen next!
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I’m feeling much better!
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Giving Maile her medicine for her ear infection has turned out to be quite the adventure. The dosage the doctor prescribed was 2.5 milliliters. I wonder if they take into account the fact that maybe 1/10 of the medicine actually makes it into Maile’s mouth (and honestly, I think 1/10 might be a reach).
With that said, amoxicillin (a.k.a. “the pink stuff”) is amazing. Although Maile is still sick and not completely herself, she is much better after taking only a few doses (or 1/10 of her prescribed doses as the case may be). Consider me a fan – and no longer just because it tastes like bubblegum.
(Click here for the video.)
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First, a Maile sickness update. We decided to take Maile to the doctor today. Her cough got a bit worse last night and she didn’t sleep all that well. Turns out it was good that we did – although the cough isn’t her problem. Maile has her first ear infection. Not the best milestone to celebrate, but perhaps inevitable given her daddy’s trials with his ears (to hear my mom tell it, I had an infection every other week pretty much…) The doctor prescribed some medicine and hopefully everything will be cleared up in a few days. In the meantime, Maile has been a champ – she’s definitely a bit fussier than normal, but still quite playful.
The video below was taken yesterday… Grandma Jill and Grandpa Mike gave Maile this contraption for Hanukkah. It took her a few days to get the “moving” part figured out, but I think its safe to say she has it now!
(Click here for the video.)
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No post tonight – Maile girl has a cold again. Daddy does too. Seems like they follow a few days after the plane rides. She’s not too bad – a bit of a cough that makes it a little hard to sleep. So instead of blogging, we’ve been comforting our girl.
We’ll just use the same “I’m sick, I hope I feel better soon” picture – kind of like an “under construction” sign…
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