I have a little story to share with you…
Yesterday morning, I'm minding my own business, having a little breakfast ...
... reading a magazine ...
... when all of a sudden I spy a giant sleeping on my play mat!
SNORE! SNORE! He was making so much noise! So I tried to wake him ...
... and he snatched me right up and made a get away!
I thought I was a goner for sure.
But then just when I thought all hope was lost (hence my lack of smile in the picture above) Grandma Jill swooped in from Boston (via Texas) and saved me from the hooded, loud snoring man!
She put me on the swing and we flew high into the sky and then just when I thought we had escaped ...
... the hooded, loud snoring man returned and removed his hood and said "Maile, I am your grandfather" - and it was true!
We all returned home and had a good laugh over our adventures! The end.