I think we’ve mentioned that one of Maile’s new “tricks” is that she can pull herself up into a standing position. Unfortunately, she hasn’t figured out how to sit back down once she is standing.
Below is a spy video we made after we put Maile down for a nap. I would say that 7 out of 10 times this is how we find her now after we put her down to sleep. In this particular video she isn’t crying and yelling – don’t be fooled though, that’s often where this ends up (especially at 4 in the morning…)
After spending a few hours at the Bay Area Discovery Museum, we headed over to the Presidio Yacht Club for some refreshments. Don’t get too excited – its not all that ritzy or exclusive – but it does have an amazing view of the bay and the Golden Gate Bridge.
On Sunday, we met up with our friends Renee, Sage and Zeb at the Bay Area Discovery Museum over in Sausalito (right over the Golden Gate Bridge). The Discovery Museum is this great kid-sized museum full of all sorts of things to touch, climb all over and explore. It is setup like a mini village so you walk around and each building (or outdoor area) has a theme – underwater, San Francisco, etc.
Zeb (18 months) had already been a few times, but it was our first trip with Maile. Ultimately, she was probably a little too young to fully enjoy everything, but we still had fun exploring. I definitely think it will be a place we visit again in the future.
This Maile-sized bench is quite nice, but I am a little lonely...
... umm, I guess this is better!
I tamed this beaver all by myself - pay no attention to the man behind the curtain...
Mommy - this is so much fun - thank you for taking me here on your special day!
Why am I wearing a life jacket?
Because we're on a boat, silly!
Daddy said I was a little too young to climb the rope ladder, but I don't take no for an answer...
See! I told you we'd make it to the top. (And that's my friend Zeb and his daddy, Sage.)
What do you think? Does this pink jump suit make me look like a giant?
On Saturday, we got together with Hannah, Sophie and Jake’s parents and had a little mother’s day brunch. It was amazing to see how much bigger Maile is compared to Jake and Sophie. They’ll catch up soon enough, but for now we had a good laugh looking at them sitting together!
After some delicious pancakes, we sent the ladies off to get their nails done and the dads held down the fort (quite well I might add). You can check out more details (and a video) on Sophie’s blog.
The dads survived a few hours on their own with the little ones...
... and the moms came home all done up and looking beautiful!
I’ve come to realize I’m a lucky little girl and I love my mommy very, very much. I asked daddy to help me put together a little memento of all the things mommy and I have done together these past (almost) 10 months…
I hope all the other mommies out there have a wonderful Mother’s Day!
Love, Maile Girl
(Click here for the video.)
(Click here for all the pictures in the slide show.)
Our friend, Alex Bain is always finding interesting things on the web. A few weeks ago he found this great blog called Requetch-a-Sketch. Basically, you submit a picture (and a small donation to bump to the top of the list) and the artist creates a fun sketch. I decided to give it a try for Maile girl.