On Friday Maile turned 11 months old. As a testament to how old Maile is now, mommy and daddy both forgot that Friday was a big milestone! We didn’t realize until Megan wished Maile a happy birthday when she arrived at Hannah’s. (In fairness, we had a pretty crazy travel schedule and a jet lagged little girl that has been driving us a little crazy.) Still, I think it is true that the days and months are starting to run together a bit as we watch our little girl grow up.
When Maile was only a few weeks old I remember thinking how much I enjoyed her company then, but that it would only get better as she got older and was able to interact with us a bit more. We’re definitely at that stage now and it is fun to have actual interactions and be able to get Maile to respond to different things we do. I think I’ve been able to get this across in the blog, but Maile is quite the character and cracks us up continuously – she has the most amazing full face smile that I really hope she remembers how to employ because it just lights up the room when she busts it out.
One interesting thing is that it seems that more and more Maile knows what she wants (or more accurately, what she doesn’t want), but still has trouble communicating her desires to us. As we’ve shown previously, she knows how to say “please” using her sign language – but not much else. So when she gets frustrated the poor girl just starts clapping her hands together over and over saying “please, please, please, please…” and mommy and daddy flail around trying to figure out exactly what she wants. I suppose clapping her hands and crying a bit might be preferable to her shouting at us – remind me to opine on that when the time comes…
In any event, hard to believe Maile Girl is already 11 months old – we can’t wait to see what comes next!
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