From the daily archives:

Monday, June 14, 2010


by Maile Girl on June 14, 2010

Doing the dishes with mommy...

Doing the dishes with mommy...

Mommy has added “doing the dishes” to my list of chores. I can’t reach the sink, so instead I just hang down below and make sure she puts the dishes in correctly. Mommy assures me its a very important job.

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by Papa K on June 14, 2010

We thought Maile was up for the day. We were wrong.

We thought Maile was up for the day. We were wrong.

Maile’s had a bad case of jet lag coming back from Hawaii. I think we are finally getting to the end of it – but she’s had a really hard time going to sleep at night and an even harder time staying awake in the morning (see above). Takes about 3 days for her to shake the jet lag, so hopefully she’ll be a back to normal starting tomorrow…

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