by Papa K on November 16, 2010
The other day I was exploring Mommy and Daddy’s bookshelf when I came across a peculiar little Maile-sized book. It was much different then my other books. Those books talk about dogs and cats and cows and horses. I’m kind of over that stuff. This book had some funny characters on the front and seemed to be, well, more serious. Daddy told me I had discovered an old Tao Te Ching book of Mommy’s. He didn’t really know much more than that, but he said it would be okay if I incorporated some reading into my morning routine. So for the past couple of morning’s I’ve taken in a few pages and meditated a bit. Very enlightening stuff. Once I can talk, I’ll tell you all about it!
Daddy, have you read this? Just an FYI, I'm going to have some questions when I finish...
Daddy: Maile, why are you reading the Tao book on a scale in the bathroom? Maile: I'm seeing if my soul gets lighter as I meditate. Daddy: Of course.
by Papa K on November 15, 2010
On Saturday, we stopped by Sprout (a great baby store on Union St) and they gave Maile a red balloon. She proceeded to walk all over town with it. Inspired by a distant memory of the movie, I took pictures and video as she went along…
You can't catch me red balloon!
Why so shy, red balloon? Come down and play with me!
Uh oh, I think I see a blue balloon following us. Quick around this corner!
Daddy, can I keep red balloon? Yes, Maile, of course, you can.
(Click here for the video.)
by Papa K on November 14, 2010
Maile Girl On Wall
Maile and I went for a walk on Saturday afternoon and I captured some great pictures. This was my favorite one I’ve taken in a long time. Chris thought it could be the cover of Maile’s first country album.
(Dad note: I know as I father I am supposed to support Maile in whatever interests she develops, but I really hope that if those interests go in the musical direction, she picks a genre other than country music…)
(FYI – here is a larger size of the photo.)
by Papa K on November 11, 2010
Maile turned 16 months old today! We thought this would be a good opportunity to introduce a new feature here at Hapa Haole – the Maile Minute. The Maile Minute was inspired by a blog that Christine reads called Pacing the Panic Room. The blog follows the adventures of a little girl named Tessa and her family (with amazing photos to boot because the dad is a photographer). Every month they film Tessa for 2 and a half minutes uninterrupted. We thought it’d be a cool way to see how Maile changes from month-to-month.
Below is our first installment. For now we are filming Maile in her high chair during her dinner. (It’s kind of hard to get her to stay still otherwise!) Admittedly not terribly exciting, but we think it will be fun to watch her progression as time goes by.
(Click here for the video.)
by Papa K on November 10, 2010
Probably a bit early for this sort of thing, but I couldn’t resist when I saw that JibJab had released their Elf Yourself program today…
here for the video.)
Behind-the-scenes here at Hapa Haole, here is how things generally work. Christine ends up taking about 80% of the pictures and videos you see on the blog. When I sit down to post, I load up the videos and pictures from her phone and see what I have to work with. Typically, its a treasure trove of cuteness.
Then every once in awhile I get this…
Your guess is as good as mine.
This picture just cracked me up. I mean look at that belly!
Tommy might have been able to rock the pinball machine, but Maile Girl is quickly becoming a wizard in her own right … on the iPad.
For a long time, Maile couldn’t quite figure out the iPhone or the iPad. She always wanted to hold them (or put them in her mouth), but she couldn’t quite get the touch screen to work. The main problem was that she’d put her whole hand on the screen -or- hold it with one hand and then try to make things happen with the other hand. This didn’t work because she’d have too many fingers on the touchscreen. The only big problem was that she was really attracted to the single button on the front of the device – and every time she pressed that it exited out of whatever we were showing her.
All of a sudden, a few weeks ago, she started to figure it out (sorry so shaky):
[vimeo clip_id=”16648841″ width=”450″ /]
It’s pretty fascinating (for me anyways) to watch her figure out the device. I didn’t get it on the video, but she actually knows that you need to slide the bar on the front to unlock it too.
(BTW – the games she likes the best are all made by a company called Duck Duck Moose. The games are great – although the songs definitely get a bit repetitive!)
(Click here for the video.)
Maile has started drawing more and more. It’s hard to tell whether she takes after Daddy or Mommy with her artistic abilities, but we are really hoping it’s mommy!
(Click here for the video.)
We ended Maile’s second Halloween with a little get together at Allison’s house. Maile was joined by her closest friends all in their very cute costumes:
Maile was, of course, Curious Maile with a little Hawaiian flair added in...
Allison, our host, was a bee...
... as was Sophie ...
Hannah was Tinker Bell
And Jake, the lucky man among all these ladies, was Shrek!
We did our best to get everyone together for a group picture. As with last year, this proved a bit challenging.
[vimeo clip_id=”16526593″ width=”450″ /]
Here’s the best of what we ended up capturing…
Sopie, Jake, Maile, Allison and Hannah - Halloween 2010
And since there were tears, we decided to call in the reinforcements…
Everyone was happy when the mommies got involved!
All in all it was a great 2nd Halloween with Maile Girl – hope you enjoyed hearing all about it this week!
(Click here for the video.)
Before I donned my Curious George costume for Halloween I did my research by having Mommy read me the Curious George books about 1,000 times. (I’ve been asking to read about 12 books before bed each night, so it really didn’t take us that long). I realized that to be a proper Curious Maile, I would need a man to bail me out of any trouble I might get in. Preferably a man in a yellow hat.
Luckily, I knew just the guy for the job. Yep, my daddy! He didn’t have the luxury of a beautiful costume from Grandma Gail or really any yellow in his existing wardrobe, but a few clicks on the ol’ Internet and the man in brown showed up with a costume just for Daddy (and some more diapers for yours truly). I think we make quite a team!
Curious Maile and the Man in the Yellow Hat
Now I can go get in some trouble - watch my back man in the yellow hat!