Before we left Honolulu we took the girls to the Ala Moana mall to ride the Christmas train. Last year Maile was too small, but it is a Murashige family tradition that Katie and Emily really look forward to and were excited to share with their cousin. As the title of this post suggests, things started out pretty good, but quickly spiraled downhill…

This. Is. Going. To. Be. Awesome. (Dad note: In hindsight this was the peak of Maile's excitement re: the Christmas Train adventure.)

Daddy, it was horrible. The train was moving and I couldn't find mommy and they were singing all these songs and just kept clapping and smiling and clapping and smiling...
Below is the video of Maile just before her early exit from the train. Yes, the train stopped mid ride and we extracted Maile. She wants us to report that she is safe and sound and is looking forward to trying again next year.
(Click here for the video.)