Poor Maile Girl has had a rough week. She came back from Michigan with a pretty hearty cough and on Monday afternoon developed a fever. She couldn’t kick the fever all week and after two trips to the doctor, they finally diagnosed her with a slight case of pneumonia and gave her antibiotics and a nebulizer to help with her cough.
This is all a bit of deja vu for daddy – I’m afraid that Maile Girl has my genes in this regard. If I was a betting man, I’d say that Maile had some asthma/allergies from all the playing outside and the mucus that got stuck in her lungs led to her finally getting sick. Pretty much the story of my life when I was a little kid.
The good news is that Maile is aces when it comes to taking her medicine. The nebulizer is a machine that basically creates a mist of medicine (which I believe is like albuterol – the stuff that is often found in inhalers). The machine is a little noisy and one could imagine that the tubes and everything would scare little kids – Maile eats it up though. She has to breathe it in for 10 minutes at a time. We let her watch Elmo and she is a rock star.
Maile is feeling much better. The fever broke on Wednesday night and she was back to her self on Thursday morning. I feel a little guilty that she’s got my sickly genes, but hopefully we can get out ahead of this stuff based on my own experience.
Finally, hat tip to Mommy – I had an incredibly busy week at work and so the brunt of caring for Maile fell to Chris. She earned her Mommy stripes for sure and I love her for it.
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