We hope everyone had a wonderful Valentine’s Day. Maile woke us up this morning and we opened all our Valentine’s Day cards. Maile loved the cards everyone sent (thank you!) and the little necklace that came with the card Mommy and Daddy got for her. And we loved the cards Maile made for us.

Maile Girl's Valentine's Day outfit (+ new necklace).
Maile also made cards for all her classmates. We brought them into school to give out. Unfortunately, Maile apparently grew somewhat attached to them (she did make them after all) – so she wasn’t a big fan of giving them to her friends. Apparently, she carried them around in a bag all morning, but finally decided to share them with her friends after nap time. Good job, Maile Girl!
At the school all the kids have a mini mailbox – it’s ridiculously cute. Here’s Maile checking out what is in hers:
Maile also made Valentine’s at school for Mommy and Daddy. Here is the one she made for Mommy – can you tell what we’ve been working on?

Valentine's Day card that Maile made for Mommy
(Click here for the video.)