The grandparents have all gone home, so we thought they’d appreciate a check-in with their Lauren…
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Growing up with a little of both and the lessons learned along the way
From the monthly archives:
Hi, I’m Lauren. I know my Daddy has been keeping you up-to-date with all my adventures, but I wanted to check in myself tonight. There’s something we need to talk about. I’m sure Daddy has shown you all the cute pictures of me being held by my Mommy and especially my sister and grandparents. But I have a warning for all the other babies out there … THEY DON’T ALWAYS HOLD YOU! It’s the truth. Three weeks in and all of a sudden they are plopping me down on my belly. And let me tell you – not fun. At all.
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The first week or so, Maile was clearly in love with her little sister, but she didn’t quite know what to do with her. She liked to hug her and hold her a bit and was always giving her kisses, but interestingly, she didn’t talk to her a lot. She was very shy around her. We encouraged her to talk to Lauren and tell her what she was doing and about her day, etc. This week she really started to do it – as the video below demonstrates. I think we’ve now created a monster 😉
(Click here for the video.)
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Today was a special day. Yes, it was Inauguration Day and the Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday – but on a more personal note, it was the first time in quite some time that both sets of grandparents were together with us. With one set of grandparents in Hawaii, the other set in Boston and us in San Francisco, it is not too often we all get together. We like to space things out so one set will visit during one of Maile’s holidays from school and the other set will visit during another, etc. Today was the one day they were overlapping for this visit – with Grandma and Papa Boston heading home tomorrow and Grandma and Papa Hawaii arriving to help out for another couple weeks as I head back to work.
Maile was in heaven with all the attention! And Lauren had plenty of welcoming arms to cradle and hold her throughout the day. The weather cooperated as well, so we snuck outside to take some pictures of the whole family together…
Can’t thank both sets of grandparents enough for all the love and support they’ve provided as we’ve settled in with Lauren!
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It’s been two weeks since Lauren and I became sisters. So two weeks since the best thing ever happened! Daddy and Mommy have been taking lots of pictures (of course) – here are some of my favorites…
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