Hard to believe that it’s already been a month – time certainly does fly! (But on the flip side it is already hard to remember life without you.)
Lauren is doing great. As Christine observed this morning, she appears thus far to subscribe to Daddy’s sleep schedule compared to Mommy’s (and Maile’s). That means she doesn’t like going to bed at night, but has no problem sleeping in. Bedtime has definitely been the biggest challenge so far – Lauren is ready to go (and cry) from 10 PM until 12:30 or so. But once she is down, she is actually doing a decide job of staying asleep for decent stretches at a time … and she has no problem sleeping in with Daddy (when he’s lucky!).
We haven’t been to the doctor in a few weeks, but she is definitely getting bigger and eating well. Her eyes are open more and more and she’s looking around and probably wondering why her sister is constantly kissing her.
Maile is adjusting well – she adores her sister and is always ready to hold her and help out. We’ve been doing a decent job dividing the attention between the girls, but Maile isn’t afraid to let us know if things go off balance a bit 😉
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