Maile and I made a new summer mix and this song by Tegan and Sara features prominently. It’s fun 🙂
(Click here for the video.)
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Growing up with a little of both and the lessons learned along the way
From the monthly archives:
Maile and I made a new summer mix and this song by Tegan and Sara features prominently. It’s fun 🙂
(Click here for the video.)
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Maile and Mommy made pasta FROM SCRATCH this weekend … and it was yummy!
(In fact, I ate it so fast, I forgot to take a picture of the end result 😉
(Click here for the video.)
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Lauren had a big milestone today while Christine and I were at work – she rolled over! Our nanny, Millie, texted us all excited and then later sent along the video proof.
Things I love about this video:
(1) Lauren has been trying this for a couple weeks now, but all of sudden she makes it look effortless…
(2) Once she rolls over, she eats couch for a bit and realizes that the other side isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be 😉
(3) Millie said that instead of napping, Lauren just kept rolling over all afternoon – I think she realizes that she needs to figure out the round trip stat!
(Click here for the video.)
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Grandma Jill and Papa Mike came to visit last weekend. We had a great time seeing them. It was a beautiful weekend in the city, so we spent a lot of time outside. Grandma and Papa also made sure they spent plenty of quality time with their girls – Papa, in particular, hadn’t seen Lauren since she was born so he had a lot of fun making up for lost time! Grandma and Maile read LOTS of books and did lots of projects together.
We also made sure we took some pictures before Grandma and Papa left…
Thank you Grandma and Papa Boston for coming to visit us!
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