From the daily archives:

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Lauren’s New Friend

by Papa K on July 17, 2013

On Monday, we started a nanny share for Lauren with a little girl named Elena. She’s the little sister of one of Maile’s classmates. Same nanny, Millie, that has been watching Lauren for the past couple of months. The share will mostly be at our place too, so Lauren had to welcome her new friend and show her the ropes a bit…

We're friends now? Cool!

We're friends now? Cool!

So give me the low down, how does this place work?

So give me the low down, how does this place work?

Well, over there is the chair where we get milk and in the other room is where we sleep. That's really all there is to it.

Well, over there is the chair where we get milk and in the other room is where we sleep. That's really all there is to it.

We're going to be such good friends...

We're going to be such good friends...

WAIT! Mommy doesn't stay? She LEAVES!?!?

WAIT! Mommy doesn't stay? She LEAVES!?!?

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