Lauren is getting very, very close to crawling…
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Growing up with a little of both and the lessons learned along the way
From the monthly archives:
Mommy is a big fan of Pitch Perfect these days and she and Maile have been signing along to the “Cups” song whenever it comes on the radio in the car. So on Saturday, Maile and Mommy decided to try to learn the “cups” clapping part of the song.
They don’t quite have it yet, but they are working on it. We’ll check back in once they nail it 🙂
(Dad note: This is the Youtube video they were using –
(Click here for the video.)
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I haven’t quite figured out my big sister, Maile, yet. But I’m working on it…
(Dad note: The end of this video cracks me up. Maile is doing her best to get Lauren to laugh and Lauren is just looking at her like she is the strangest thing she has ever come across. Which is actually probably true…)
(Click here for the video.)
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Maile and I flew back from Boston on Tuesday. She came with me to work for about an hour before Mommy was ready to take her home. It was an exciting day at Pocket HQ as we had a film crew in house filming some things. They had setup one of our rooms with all these cameras, a green screen, etc. Maile got to check everything out from the make-up girl to the cameras. The crew was awesome – even showed her what she looked like on camera. I think she got a kick out of it – although for as talkative as she is normally, she wasn’t very forthcoming when interviewed on camera 😉
(Click here for the video.)
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As everybody knows, Papa Boston is a BIG time Star Wars fan. So, no surprise, that when he stumbled upon make your own Lightsaber popsicles, he picked up a kit (and they light up green for Luke and red for Darth Vader!) Grandma and Maile made them the day we arrived in Boston and Maile loved eating and playing with them all weekend long. She has no idea really what Star Wars is yet, but slowly, but surely she is being indoctrinated!
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