As you may remember, about two months ago we started swim classes with Maile at a new program called La Petite Baleen. We go Saturday afternoons and I’ve been really impressed with the program – after a little bit of a slow start, Maile is really, well, learning how to swim!
This weekend we hit a huge milestone, Maile earned her first ribbon! (La Petite Baleen has a set of ribbons and other achievements that the kids earn as they go – as you might imagine it works well and Maile has gotten in to going for the ribbons and stickers.)
To earn her first, Rainbow Ribbon, Maile made it through a whole class without crying, she listened to directions and successfully put her face all the way into the water while she was swimming.
Maile has always loved the concept of swimming and being in the water, but she was really clingy – I’ve loved watching as she’s progressed these past couple of months and have a feeling that by the time we get to Hawaii in December she’ll be jumping into the water with abandon!
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