From the monthly archives:

May 2014

Maile is big on doing things herself these days. She doesn’t need our help. (Unless it involves going to the bathroom in the middle of the night – apparently between the hours of 1 AM and 5 AM she forgets that she’s an independent little girl.)

In any event, at times this can be maddening. At other times, pure comedy. Which is how we arrive at Maile blowing up a balloon by herself.

(Click here for the video.)

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Maile Girl here! Thought I’d write a hello for Mother’s Day. This morning, Lauren and I woke Daddy up early (surprise, surprise) and we set to work making a yummy breakfast surprise for Mommy. Daddy said that Grandma Jill’s Strawberry Soup would be perfect. Now, I love strawberries (and soup is typically pretty good too) – but I had never had strawberry ANd soup before. Plus, isn’t soup supposed to be hot? Daddy told me that Strawberry Soup was served cold AND that we could make bowls out of cantaloupes. For a second I thought maybe we had indeed woken Daddy up too early, but he had a plan so I went along for the ride.

And, boy am I glad I did. Not only was the soup super fun to make, but it was delicious too! Mommy was super happy when we surprised her with the breakfast. We even let her sleep until 8:30 AM – which is pretty much the latest she has ever slept (at least in my lifetime!)

Bowls out of cantaloupes? Crazy - but Daddy told me to start scooping...

Bowls out of cantaloupes? Crazy - but Daddy told me to start scooping...

I get very focused when I'm cooking...

I get very focused when I'm cooking...

After you get the bowls done, you just need to pour in the soup! (Daddy made it the night before so it was all chilled and ready to rock...)

After you get the bowls done, you just need to pour in the soup! (Daddy made it the night before so it was all chilled and ready to rock...)

The best part of the cooking part is the EATING part 🙂

(Click here for the video.)

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by Papa K on May 8, 2014

Another nickname option for Lauren Girl?

Although she isn't pictured, Maile got a total kick out of Lauren's new 'do...

Although she isn't pictured, Maile got a total kick out of Lauren's new 'do...

No more bath time pictures!

No more bath time pictures!

Have a great weekend!

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by Papa K on May 7, 2014

With all the food Lauren got on her during lunch today, we have a new nickname for her…

Lauren Meatball!

Lauren Meatball!

Lauren has been eating up a storm lately – definitely thinking we have a growth spurt going on!

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by Papa K on May 6, 2014

Orange happens.

(Click here for the video.)

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Maile Salon

by Papa K on May 5, 2014

Mommy and Maile are catching up on lost time with lots of salon-related activities this week. They painted nails on Sunday and tonight Maile worked on Mommy’s hair, one of her favorite pre-bed-time activities. She’s getting pretty good at braiding Mommy’s hair too. Christine claims she taught herself how to braid, all I know is that I already can’t do it the way she does – definitely takes after her Mommy yet again in this department!

Maile Girl very focused on her braiding technique...

Maile Girl very focused on her braiding technique...

Mommy is another happy client ... well, her only happy client at this point, but Lauren is growing her hair as fast as she can!

Mommy is another happy client ... well, her only happy client at this point, but Lauren is growing her hair as fast as she can!

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Lauren @ 16 Months

by Papa K on May 4, 2014

Lauren is 16 months old today – where has the time gone? It’s fun watching her these days, you can almost see her learning in real time how the world works, willing herself (and often getting a little frustrated) to communicate with her sister (and us) and to figure out the world around her. She adores her big sister, but is also her own little girl – seems a little more daring and mischievous, but we’ll have to see how that plays out.

Lauren at 16 months

Lauren at 16 months

We love you Lauren!

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The past couple of days have been absolutely amazing weather-wise – mid-80s! Never gets like that in San Francisco. Lauren LOVES being outside – first thing in the morning yesterday, she grabbed her jacket, whined until I put it on, then went over to her stroller and the door and started whining for me to take her out. When Elena arrived, Millie obliged and took the girls to the park (this is a big deal because normally they sleep first thing and then go about their day).

Life. Is. Good.

Life. Is. Good.

Don’t worry, they caught up on their sleep though after all the excitement…

Too good.

Too good.

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