Before swim class, Lauren likes to mentally prepare herself for the lesson.
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Growing up with a little of both and the lessons learned along the way
From the monthly archives:
Pretty soon this “reading” will be for real…
(Click here for the video.)
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When we eventually end up in the ER with Lauren, we’ll be able to show the doctors this video and say, “it roughly happened like this”…
(Click here for the video.)
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School ended on Tuesday … and camp started on Wednesday! (That’s the way we roll with Mommy and Daddy both working 🙂
A couple years ago I heard about this camp called Steve & Kate’s and I thought it looked like a lot of fun. Maile was old enough to attend this year so we thought we’d give it a try.
Early returns are extremely positive – she’s been two days so far and has come home (a) full of stories and (b) exhausted. Those are two requirements of a good camp in my book 🙂
The camp is setup as a number of different “studios” and the kids came bop around as they please during the day. So far it seems Maile has been spending a lot of time in the Fashion Studio – she designed and sewed her very own pillow; the breadmaking studio – we ate her creation for dinner last night and it was quote good; the dance studio – picking up some new moves and sharing some she’s developed on her own; and judging by her freckles and tint of red – plenty of time running around outside. Every week they also have “special” things they bring in – this week is a climbing wall. This may come as a shock, but Maile has decided NOT to participate in that activity 😉
She also has a bunch of friends attending – including Sophie and Jake and a bunch of friends from school. Looking forward to an awesome summer!
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Incredibly, three years have past and Maile has finished preschool and in the fall will head to Kindergarten.
When she started on August 8th, 2011, this was our little girl…
And yesterday…
I can’t say enough about the experience we’ve had over the past three years at Presidio Knolls – Maile has certainly blossomed in all types of exciting ways from her artistic ability to her language (both English and Chinese) to her interactions with her friends … but the best part of all was the love that Maile developed for school and that she received back from her teachers. Maile ran into her classroom almost every day – more than anything else that is what we were hoping for from her preschool experience and it was delivered in spades.
Yesterday’s end of year/graduation ceremony also showed how well the teachers know Maile and her classmates – their strengths, their quirks, the little things that make them tick. After welcoming us and singing some songs, the teachers shared a personal message for each student and gave them their diploma. For Maile, Ruth LaoShi said:
Your artistic talent continues to thrive. Whatever we make in class, you add more embellishment and take it to the next level. You take your job seriously and responsibly. You take care of others around you. When we get together to work on projects, you take the initiative to start conversations and ideas. You gather the group up to make decisions together. Thank you for being you and for your leadership.
I think that captures Maile at almost 5 quite nicely – it leaves out some aspects of her personality – along with those strengths are the challenges of patience, sharing and just enough selfishness to drive you bonkers sometimes. But a lot of that is just a 5 year old little girl learning her way in the world. Ruth shared with me later that Maile really challenges you – she pushes you to be on the top of your game because most of the time she can keep up. I agree. And most of the time it is wonderful to be a participant in those challenges … most of the time 😉
Here’s a bit from the beginning of the ceremony – they stood up one line at a time and said some words in Chinese and English and then sang a song in Chinese.
One more note about Ruth – at PKS they break the classes down into smaller groups. Most of the time they do things together as a full class, but they do more focused projects with their smaller teams of 5-6 kids and that teacher really spends a lot of time with then. Ruth was Maile’s team lead for most of the past three years. She’s an incredible teacher and we know she’s one we will always remember.
Three years ago, I ended that post about Maile’s first day of school with this picture and caption:
I was right.
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On Saturday we headed over to the annual PKS Spring Picnic. The school is getting kind of big now (7 preschool classes, 2 kindergarten and a first grade) so there were tons of kids running around all over. The organizing parents planning some fun activities – including some field day-style events like the three-legged race and tug-o-war. It was a beautiful day and we had a blast celebrating the end of another school year and the start of summer!
They had an ice cream truck - and I actually think this was Maile's first visit to one - for posterity, let the record show she went with the watermelon popsicle...
As if a popsicle wasn't enough, later Maile and her friend Zoe shared the biggest ICEE I've ever seen...
(Click here for the video.)
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