2 years ago tomorrow (August 29th) we told Maile that she was going to be a big sister.
Hard to believe we’ve gone from this…
To this…
(Click here for the video.)
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Growing up with a little of both and the lessons learned along the way
From the monthly archives:
2 years ago tomorrow (August 29th) we told Maile that she was going to be a big sister.
Hard to believe we’ve gone from this…
To this…
(Click here for the video.)
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Wow. Time flies.
Today was Maile’s first day of Kindergarten. She’ll be staying at Presidio Knolls School so the stomping grounds are familiar, but this is still a big milestone for our little, but rapidly growing up, girl.
And she is very, very excited to get started.
But before heading off to school, we took some family pictures…
One last shot just inside the gate at Presidio Knolls - after this she was off and running with her friends...
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Maile wasn’t the only one to have a good time at the reunion, Lauren loved running around and playing with everyone too. While she couldn’t quite keep up with her sister and the big kids, she did her best trying. And when we had a big water balloon fight on Saturday, she didn’t shy away, she put on her game face and joined right in…
Oh, this is pretty slippery - I'm going to hold on tight so it doesn't break like that orange one on the ground...
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With all the cousins in the age range of 1.5 to 10 years old – they had lots of fun running all over the camp ground together. (NOTE: I realize that Lauren is missing from a lot of these photos – we’ll get to her 🙂 But since she’s a bit younger she didn’t have the run of the place quite like Maile Girl.)
Maile became fast friends with all her cousins. If she wasn’t being piggy-backed around by Aidan, she was off exploring with Natalie, chattering with Katie or playing tag with all the older kids.
One of my favorite pictures from the weekend - one of those you look back on in 20-30 years. From left to right: Cooper, Olivia, Max, Rachel, Katie, Maile, Caleb, Aidan
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We got home a little while ago from an amazing weekend in Michigan with Grandma Jill’s side of the family – over 50 members attended our family reunion. We’ll share much more over the course of the week, but wanted to post a quick one before bed.
Almost as soon as we arrived, Maile donned a life vest and headed out on the canoe with her cousins, Aidan, Caleb and Harlow. (What’s kind of funny is when I looked back at the first reunion Maile attended, the first pictures I posted were also of her in a kayak…)
It truly was a fantastic weekend as you’ll see from the future pictures I share – the best part was definitely seeing all the cousins running around and playing with each other. It was awesome!
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(Having trouble with the blog from the hotel wifi, so posting this from my phone – hopefully it formats okay.)
This weekend we are headed to Michigan for a family reunion (Grandma Jill’s side of the family), but before we head there, we stopped in Chicago to visit GG Bea and GG Irv.
Both girls were fantastic. Maile had a lot of fun teaching GG Bea Mancala and Lauren was definitely the apple of GG Irv’s eye – he kept watch on her as she scooted and ran all over the place.
Meanwhile Lauren and GG Irv tried a Lauren version of Uno - which mainly involved GG Irv holding as many cards as Lauren could place on his leg
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On Sunday we took Lauren on her very first cable car ride and earned her San Franciscan stripes in the process…
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No doubt you’ve heard of the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge by now. It’s been incredible to watch it spread – one of the most viral things I’ve ever seen hit Facebook.
Christine was tagged by one of her good friends yesterday, so this evening, we gathered the family to participate and help spread the word even further. (And yes, we also donated some money to the cause.)
Maile had so much fun, that she wanted to do her own special version after – and had a special call out for her Auntie Elyssa!
When we came back upstairs, check out the picture Maile drew…
Love. The whole thing was a great bonding experience as a family – we hope it does a lot of good for those in need!
(Click here for the first video.)
(Click here for the second video.)
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Hard to believe, but the summer is rapidly coming to a close. Maile spent her last week of camp back at Presidio Knolls. Maile had a lot of fun back at her old stomping grounds and it definitely helped get her excited for Kindergarten as well.
For the summer camp, each afternoon the kids participated in an activity for the whole week. Maile did Kung Fu Fan Dancing. On Friday afternoon, they put on a show for the parents. Christine went and got a great video of Maile doing her thing. Fair warning, it’s a bit longer than normal – but the end is worth it when Maile does her solo intro 🙂
(Click here for the video.)
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