7 years ago I married Christine.
Fast forward to this evening. We had plans to go out to see a show (the nerdy type that both of us enjoy) and have a nice dinner to celebrate.
Unfortunately, Maile Girl woke up with a fever this morning and it only got worse as the day went on. (It seems like it finally broke about 30 minutes ago, but not before cranking up to 104.2!)
So we audibled out of the plans. (Well, I sent Christine along to the show anyways with a girlfriend while I held down the fort with the girls – and watched the Pats game 😉 – and now Christine is cuddled up with Maile making sure she gets as good a night sleep as possible.)
Today was definitely one of those “life” days – certainly didn’t go the way you planned, but at the same time, makes you realize what is important and even though it wasn’t “fun” – it was perfect in all the right ways.
I’m pretty sure that Matt from 7 years ago had no idea what he was getting himself into … but I know he was hoping it was going to be something exactly like this.
I love you, Christine. Happy Anniversary 🙂
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