From two years ago…
They’ve changed so much … but in the best way, they are exactly the same. Going to be a fun ride watching these two grow up together.
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Growing up with a little of both and the lessons learned along the way
From the monthly archives:
From two years ago…
They’ve changed so much … but in the best way, they are exactly the same. Going to be a fun ride watching these two grow up together.
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Lauren’s bedtime routine has become pretty … elaborate.
She is very particular about how all this comes together. First, you need to put all four of her blankets on top of her. Then she names her various dolls and animals and you need to make sure they are next to her: “kitty”, “dolly”, “neigh”, “bunny”, etc. etc.
Mommy does this whole process first. Then Daddy comes in and does the same thing.
On the plus side, as long as we didn’t lose anyone during the day, right after that, she goes right to bed 🙂
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Last week Grandma and Papa went and checked out Maile’s Hip Hop class and took some video. The dancing is fun as always, but mainly I’m just excited that Rusted Root is still in the rotation 🙂
(Click here for the video.)
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Kelly (our nanny) has been taking the girls to some gym classes on Fridays. To say Lauren enjoys this time is an understatement. Kelly sends us pictures each week and every time Lauren is smiling, laughing and running around with the other kids in a state of pure joy. It’s nice to be a two year old (and seemed like a nice way to start the week.)
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Grandma and Papa Boston left tonight, but not until they had a wonderful week with the girls. Maile was off of school this week, so she joined Lauren and Grandma and Papa and they went all over the city. Lots of playground time, a trip out to the Jelly Belly factory, legos, art projects, a trip to the library and culminating in a ferry ride out to Sausalito today! Whew, I’m exhausted just thinking about it…
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Mommy and Maile headed to the ballet on Sunday afternoon, which left Lauren and I to ourselves. We’d tell you what we did all afternoon, but it’s a secret…
(Click here for the video.)
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Lauren’s normal nanny, Kelly, was away the past couple of days, so we hit up UrbanSitter and found a girl named Brooke to help us out. She was fabulous with Lauren and as an added bonus, turns out she is a professional photographer and she took all these incredible photos of Lauren throughout the day!
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