A couple of years ago when Maile’s school expanded to elementary school, the first class of kindergarteners started a tradition of a “semi-formal” or communal lunch. Basically, a couple parents help prepare a communal meal and the children help setup the room with glasses, plates, knives and forks and do chores like setting the table, serving and cleaning up afterwards.
These lunches happen 3-4 times a year. Christine and I helped out today and we had a great time. We joined with another family and made our theme about different ways to cook and prepare food. We made a smoothie and also showed how something as simple as vegetables could be arranged to look “pretty” and be art (they are doing a unit about what art is). The other family made pork sous vide style (which I’m not positive the kids totally understood), but they definitely got a kick out of the blow torch the dad used to finish off the pork!