From the daily archives:

Sunday, March 15, 2015

A Little Sister & A Mommy

by Papa K on March 15, 2015

Everyone knows that Lauren is a little sister to Maile. But did you know she is also a Mommy? That’s right – Lauren is very into being a Mommy to her dolls, or in her words, “babies”. We have “baby #1”, “baby #2” and “more baby” – and Lauren loves playing with them.

(Dad note: this is a bit different for us as Maile never really was super into dolls.)

Our nanny, Kelly, has been sending us pictures of Lauren interacting with her dolls and they are adorable (see for yourself below). I think Kelly sees a bit more of it because when we are around, Maile often is too, and she dominates a lot of the “play”.

Reading books to one of our babies...

Reading books to one of our babies...

Making sure baby is nice and tucked in...

Making sure baby is nice and tucked in...

Cuddling and talking to baby...

Cuddling and talking to baby...

That's Lauren's seat she sits in when she is being naugty - maybe baby was naughty too?

That's Lauren's seat she sits in when she is being naugty - maybe baby was naughty too?

On the bus, hold on baby I think this is our stop!

On the bus, hold on baby I think this is our stop!

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