Have a great weekend!
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Growing up with a little of both and the lessons learned along the way
From the monthly archives:
For Christmas we bought Lauren a scooter – she tried it a few times, but it didn’t really take. Its been hanging around the house unused for months. Apparently, our nanny, Kelly, took Lauren to Japantown on Monday and she became fascinated with a little boy riding his scooter. She came home and figured out how to ride it. She’s already pretty good – and as is her style, fearless…
In other news, Maile Girl is slowly, but surely making progress with the roller blades. She is now incentivized to keep up with her little sister 🙂
Also, this is classic city living with us doing roller blades and scooters in the main lobby of our building. We did go out to hit the streets, but it was pretty windy … and probably best is Lauren masters this thing away from traffic!
(Click here for the video.)
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The video below is of Lauren performing the “Elsa song” – the current favorite in the clubhouse. Like her father, she doesn’t really know the words, but she tends to be able to line up the sounds right at the end so it sort of sounds like she does 🙂
Make sure you stick around for the hand motions 40 seconds in.
(Click here for the video.)
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Christine and I headed to North Carolina this weekend for our 10th reunion at Fuqua. Grandma and Papa Hawaii came in to town to spend the weekend with the girls. By all accounts they had lots of fun and we really appreciate the chance to get away just Christine and I.
The girls are already counting the days until their June trip to Hawaii!
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Lauren got a big envelope in the mail yesterday. And apparently “big envelope” means the same for preschool as it does for college – she’ll be joining her big sister at Presidio Knolls next year!
(Click here for the video.)
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On Sunday we went over to PKS to have a final potluck and take a group photo with the group that participated in the Chinese New Year parade.
Wait, who is that in the middle? Yep, yours truly. I was asked to sub in last minute as the sheep herder as our head of school couldn’t make it.
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You might remember that last fall, Maile and I went to the Food Bank for the first time to volunteer with some of her classmates. We went back again on Sunday and had a great time. This time we were tasked with sorting oranges and once again, it was a really well run volunteer event and perfect for young kids.
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Kelly and Lauren were playing with magna tiles the other day and afterwards Lauren asked Kelly to take some pictures to share her creation with Christine and I. So, of course, I am now sharing with you 🙂
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