From the daily archives:

Monday, August 24, 2015

Hard to believe it’s already here … almost.

Maile starts 1st grade on Wednesday. And Lauren starts preschool on Thursday(!)

On Sunday, the school had a “practice run” play date. It was a really great way for both girls to get acclimated before the start of school. Maile met her teachers and dropped off some of her stuff. And then she ran around all around with her friends.

Lauren checked out her classroom for the very first time and I think came away impressed. She touched as many toys as she could, met her teachers (“Hi, I’m Lauren”) and even made passing contact with some soon to be friends. The teachers did a circle time with some singing, we washed hands and ate snack (Lauren wasn’t a fan of the offering) and then hit the playground outside for some serious sand time. She even told us on the way in that we were supposed to leave now – hopefully, she’ll remember that come Thursday!

Here are the girls on their way in…

Maile and Lauren are ready for the school year!

Maile and Lauren are ready for the school year!

Notice the similarities in outfits – dress with leggings and fancy sandals. This is not a mistake. I remember the first few months of school we were able to dress Maile how we pleased. That all ended pretty quickly. I imagine the same will be true for Lauren – except will have the added challenge of her wanting to match Maile every day.

Should be an exciting year – we’re looking forward to seeing what it’s like having both girls at the school, how much they’ll interact, etc.

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