Lauren showed this video to me the other night and we fell in love with it all over again. Thought it’d be a fun one to share for #tbt. Have a great weekend!
(Click here for the video.)
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Growing up with a little of both and the lessons learned along the way
From the monthly archives:
Lauren showed this video to me the other night and we fell in love with it all over again. Thought it’d be a fun one to share for #tbt. Have a great weekend!
(Click here for the video.)
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Last week, Maile and her class finished their unit on building and architecture. As the culmination they all designed their own buildings and set them up next to each other as part of a mini city. Maile built the school – it’s pretty elaborate – here she is talking about it…
Christine and I went over on Friday afternoon to see all the projects – it was pretty cool seeing what the kids came up with. Given that we’re still doing a lot of building at the actual school, might need to incorporate some of their designs 🙂
(Click here for the video.)
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Was looking back at our April 22nd pictures and stumbled on this one…
And then there is this one…
From January 22, 2013 – but still “I know a song about toes…”
(Click here for the video.)
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On Saturday, Maile was invited to perform at the Cherry Blossom Festival in Japantown with her dance troupe. As a gift to the grandparents, I captured full video of the performance 🙂
First, everyone introduced themselves – Maile made sure everyone knew she was there…
Next, they did a fun warm up routine to get limber and ready…
And finally, Maile and her class danced a number to Bear Necessities…
(Click here for the first video.)
(Click here for the second video.)
(Click here for the third video.)
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When people ask me about raising our girls in a big city like San Francisco, I always tell them that its been wonderful, much better and easier than I expected, with one big BUT. And the big BUT has been that I’ve felt that its been a lot harder to teach the girls (and Maile in particular) how to ride her bike. Can’t really just head right out the door as the streets are quite busy. And so I’ve felt like I’ve been failing in one of my “father duties” in making sure Maile could ride her bike.
This all changed a few weeks ago – Maile started asking directly for me to help her learn so we made a concerted effort to take the bike out, take the training wheels off, and go find a place nearby that we could practice on. Turns out there is a big church right diagonal from us that has a pretty big open space that is perfect.
Maile was very nervous, but to her credit despite the fear and the tears, she kept working at it. I’m proud of her often, but I was particularly proud of her through this effort. It was really hard. We went out a couple weekends in a row and all of a sudden on the fourth outing, it all just clicked and she’s now a full-fledged no training wheel rider!
Here’s a video of our first outing…
And here she is on Saturday…
As for Lauren, she is incredible on her little scoot bike – she whips around on that thing like crazy. Since Maile was learning something new, I taught Lauren how to ride and lift her feet up so she could glide a bit. She too nailed it pretty quick and was gliding all over in no time. I have a feeling she’ll be on the pedal bike soon enough chasing after her big sister.
(Click here for the first video.)
(Click here for the second video.)
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A new toy for the house arrived today, an Amazon Echo. If you haven’t heard of it, Echo is a speaker that responds to voice control and can do all sorts of cool things. It’s kind of like Siri, but for your home. The voice control is activated by saying “Alexa” – so Alexa is a new friend for the girls.
They had quite a good time this evening getting to know her – they think she is hilarious…
Of course, we tried to see if we could teach her Chinese, but didn’t have much luck with that one…
One thing that is cool, is that Alexa is programmable – so looking forward to seeing what tricks I can teach “her”…
(Click here for the first video.)
(Click here for the second video.)
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For the past couple of weeks, Lauren has gone kicking and screaming to swim class. But once she arrives, she crushes it.
And today she was rewarded for her hard work (even though she seemed a little clueless as to what was going on) – she received her Level 1 ribbon!
Christine caught a very short video of her swimming all by herself last week:
And I caught the awarding of the ribbon today:
Very proud of our little girl 🙂
(Click here for the first video.)
(Click here for the second video.)
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After exploring Hollywood for a bit, it was finally time to head over to the show for the taping. We arrived around 3 PM and were whisked through with our tickets. The live taping wasn’t until 5 PM, but we needed to arrive early and they also did a pre-taped performance with Keith Urban. They actually had him play his song twice – which Maile got a total kick out of – growing up in a DVR world the whole concept of live TV and the fact that they were taping this and it was then going out over the TV was pretty wild for her.
Of course, Maile made friends with all of our nearby seat mates – lots of moms and grandmas that all got a kick out of Maile Girl and her La’Porsha sign. The area in front of the stage was filled with teenagers and Maile was very intrigued by everything going on down there and the “hype man” who came out to get the crowd “rowdy” – “what’s rowdy, daddy?”
The hype man instructed us to clap over our heads during the fast songs and just sway a bit during the slow ones – Maile took down his instructions to a tee.
It was a long afternoon – the show is two hours so we didn’t leave until 7 PM – but Maile did great – she screamed her little heart out for La’Porsha – and probably just because of that her favorite made it to the finale 🙂
Maile was in a pretty goofy mood after the show, but here’s her quick recap…
(Click here for the video.)
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As I mentioned last week, last year, we started watching American Idol with Maile – we were looking for a show Christine and I could watch with her that wasn’t some mind-numbing cartoon. American Idol fit the bill pretty well – she loved the singing, its a “family” show – it led us to some interesting conversations with her when different things would come up – and its kind of inspiring to see these kids work hard to achieve their goals.
With this season being the last, a few months back I had the idea that it would be really cool if I could figure out a way to get us to a taping of the show before it ended. I realized I actually had a college friend that worked at Fox and a few emails later he agreed to help me out – which was totally awesome of him!
So Thursday, Maile and I boarded a plane and headed down to LA!
Before we could go to the show though, we needed to set the stage – so we took in some of the sites around the hotel. We were staying at the W Hollywood – which was right in a pretty seedy part of Hollywood – but I wanted Maile to have the full experience so we headed out…
(NOTE: Some of these pictures are from Thursday before we went to the show and some are from Friday AM when we had some more time to kill before heading back to SF.)
Maile was very impressed that my feet and hands matched up with Matt Damon's - and we shared a first name to boot 🙂
More to come…
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