A long week and definitely some “relaxing” in store as we move towards the weekend (hopefully!) – found this oldie from 2010…
(Click here for the video.)
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Growing up with a little of both and the lessons learned along the way
From the monthly archives:
A long week and definitely some “relaxing” in store as we move towards the weekend (hopefully!) – found this oldie from 2010…
(Click here for the video.)
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Just in time for the debate, Auntie Elyssa sent the girls Hillary t-shirts along with a really sweet note. (Btw – well done Clinton campaign – the t-shirts are ridiculously soft!)
The girls have been wearing them with pride and we are most definitely “with her”!
Maile and Lauren joined us for the first 15 minutes of the debate, but it was still a little over their head. It is interesting what Maile seems to pick up on the playground about Hillary and Trump – I imagine a bit around the house too 🙂
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For the second year in a row, we headed down to Crissy Field this morning to participate in the Aloha Run. Mommy ran the 5K, Maile ran the 1 mile and Lauren successfully defended her title in the Tot Trot ~200 yard dash!
A few friends from school joined us and the kids had a blast completing the runs and cheering each other on. Both girls did their races on their own this year – Lauren, in particular, was very focused – when Christine asked her if she wanted her to run along side her, Lauren told her to meet her at the finish line 🙂
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Maile’s favorite books these days are graphic novels by a woman named Raina Telgemeier – she writes/draws semi-autobiographical stories and Maile eats them up. Raina is also from San Francisco so a lot of her stories take place here.
Maile’s reading is getting pretty good too – she’s slowly but surely starting to read on her own – seems like soon enough she’ll often be found curled up on the couch reading a book.
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Maile had her first audition today and she passed! She is the newest member of the Prelude Chorus of the Young Women’s Choral Projects of San Francisco. One of her classmates joined and was telling us about it last week, so we reached out and they said it wasn’t too late to audition. For her audition, Maile had to sing “Happy Birthday” and answer a few questions. She was a little nervous earlier in the week, but her music teacher at school helped her out and she went in today with a ton of confidence and did a great job.
I captured one of her practice sessions on video right before we headed over…
Choir is pretty new to us, but Maile loves singing and performing so thought we’d give it a shot. Since she’s shied away from team sports, we also thought this would be a good group activity for her to try out. Its definitely a commitment – two days a week for a couple hours at a time, but she seems really excited about it and had a blast today!
(Click here for the video.)
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School is off to a great (and fast) start. Over the past couple of weeks, we’ve had “curriculum nights” at the school for both girls – learning about what they are going to be up to this year.
Maile and her classmates spent time thinking about their “hopes and dreams” for the year. Maile’s?
– To play with her friends
– To learn how to write Chinese better
– To continue learning how to read
Sounds like a good game plan!
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Dance class started up again last weekend and boy where the girls excited. Especially, Lauren. As soon as she woke up she put on her tutu and slippers and was dancing around the house all morning. Maile taught her how to curtsy, which allowed me to catch the pictures below. I couldn’t pick between them – she’s just too much…
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Maile Girl lost her 4th tooth today. It had been pretty loose for awhile, but she wanted nothing to do with having Daddy help pop it out. She finally did it herself this afternoon (and was quite pleased with herself, I might add).
She’s also convinced that I’m the tooth fairy. Don’t understand how she thinks I have time for all that!
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On Saturday we went on a fun hike with one the family of one of Maile’s good friends from school. They have a daughter Maile’s age and an older son – for awhile we’ve watched from afar on Instagram as they took fantastic hikes all over the Bay Area. We always said once Lauren was a little bit older we wanted to start exploring in the same way. They took us out on one of their favorites on Saturday and we had a blast. We did the Batteries to Bluffs trail and it was perfect – not too hard, fun spots for the kids to explore … and absolutely beautiful views!
Lauren tried desperately to keep up with the bigger girls scrambling over the rocks - she did a pretty good job overall
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So not a very long #tbt, but I was thinking today about the family reunion we had a few weeks back and how much fun we had – and especially the kids with all of their cousins. On Saturday night, the kids decided to put on a little bit of a talent show. Never one to shy from the mic, Maile Girl quickly jumped up and performed “A Small World” and got the whole family joining in for the chorus…
And, of course, once she got up there, she stayed for awhile – moving on to singing and dancing with her cousins to Uptown Funk, Shut Up and Dance, Whip Nae Nae and even some Chinese songs with Lauren. No stage fright here 🙂
(Click here for the video.)
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