Last week we had our fall school conferences for the girls. It’s always fun hearing about how the girls are getting along in school. The girls are at different stages of their educational journey so its interesting to see how the conferences change as the girls get older. For Lauren, her primary teacher is wonderful and talking to her its clear how well she knows our little girl. Lauren really seems to be adjusting well socially and the Mandarin learning is really starting to pick up steam – I have a feeling Lauren will go even faster than Maile did on account of having the support of her big sister.
For Maile, this year in second grade there was something new – mainly that Maile actually joined us for the conference and led part of the walk through providing us an overview of what she’s been learning to start the year. It was actually pretty funny because she started explaining everything in Mandarin until her teacher’s stopped her and asked, “Do your Mommy and Daddy know Mandarin?” “Oh yeah!”, Maile said and then switched to explaining in English for us. Thanks for tossing us a bone!