On Sunday morning, my Uncle Lloyd passed away. He was 99(!) years old. The oldest member of my family on my mother’s side – and quite proud of it. He was an amazing story teller and sharp as a wit right up until the end.
We actually had a chance to see him this summer at our family reunion – he didn’t stay the whole time, but just enough for us to say hello and for him to enjoy seeing all the young ones frolicking around and having fun – I know it brought him great joy.
I actually don’t know how much Uncle Lloyd read this blog – but I think he would have very much enjoyed what I’ve been doing here. My relationship with him actually picked up a bit in my late 20’s – in some small part due to writing a different blog. When I was in business school, I traveled to Thailand for a semester and wrote a blog about my travels. Uncle Lloyd got wind of it and started following along. He got a thorough kick out my entries and would often send me emails commenting on my various adventures, asking me all types of funny questions, and more often then not relating whatever I was up to some story from his own adventures.
To say he lived a full life is an understatement. His funeral was today and I’m told it was full of love and joy and many, many stories. I have no doubt that made him smile. He will be missed, but we’ll carry on the adventures on his behalf. I look forward to Maile and Lauren stumbling on this post one day and asking me about Uncle Lloyd!