Maile Gaga – The Sequel

by Papa K on November 17, 2010

Tonight I was putting Maile in her jammies. We were in her bedroom. I had left the music playing in the other room. You could barely hear it, but all of a sudden, Lady Gaga came on, Maile’s ears perked up and she started doing a little shimmy on her changing table. I finished dressing her, brought her into the other, restarted the song, and below is what transpired…

(Dad note: I realize it was only a few months ago that I published the original Maile Gaga, but does it really ever get old? Also, I did add the song in using iMovie, but only because it was hard to hear on the video – trust me it was playing while she was doing her little booty shake…)

(Click here for the video.)

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