Posts by author:

Lil' Lauren

I Have Hands!

by Lil' Lauren on August 28, 2013

I have hands! Two of them, in fact.

But, boy, are they kind of hard to control. I’m all, “Hands! Pick up that mum mum!” and they’re like, “No way, this bib is more interesting.”

Or I FINALLY get a piece of mum mum in there between my fingers and we start heading to my mouth and guess what happens? Just as I open my mouth the hands drop the mum mum! I mean, honestly, work with me people!

(Click here for the video.)

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My sister is … funny.

by Lil' Lauren on August 11, 2013

I haven’t quite figured out my big sister, Maile, yet. But I’m working on it…

(Dad note: The end of this video cracks me up. Maile is doing her best to get Lauren to laugh and Lauren is just looking at her like she is the strangest thing she has ever come across. Which is actually probably true…)

(Click here for the video.)

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… this baby looks DELICIOUS!

(Click here for the video.)

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Apples? Not A Fan.

by Lil' Lauren on July 22, 2013

Yuck. Apples are so gross.

Yuck. Apples are so gross.

No really.

(Dad note: We’ve been slowly introducing Lauren to new foods. A new one every 3 days or so. So we’ve learned that she really likes veggies – carrots and peas – and is not a fan of fruit. At all.)

(Click here for the video.)

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The Daddy side of my hair must be causing this...

The Daddy side of my hair must be causing this...

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My big sister IS. THE. BEST. I just love her so much. First of all, she’s the coolest. I just love watching her all the time.

But she’s also making sure I grow up right and is always trying to help me. She helps me sit up and she moves my toys around so I learn how to grab them and roll over. She talks to me all the time and teaches me new words (even though I can’t say any of them yet, I’m remembering them!). AND now she is helping me eat!

Let's do this!

Let's do this!

You sure about this?

You sure about this?

Oh yeah, that's some good carrots right there.

Oh yeah, that's some good carrots right there.

Keep it steady, Maile, need to get it all in there...

Keep it steady, Maile, need to get it all in there...

Plum break for Maile.

Plum break for Maile.

You done with that plum? Let's go...

You done with that plum? Let's go...

So demanding...

So demanding...

This works for me - Mommy and Daddy I'd like Maile to feed me from now on...

This works for me - Mommy and Daddy I'd like Maile to feed me from now on...

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Word on the street is that my big sister had a major milestone on her first visit to Hawaii back in ’09 – they tell me she sat up by herself for the first time.

Needless to say, I needed to keep pace 🙂

Bam! Sitting! All by myself.

Bam! Sitting! All by myself.

Piece of cake.

Piece of cake.

Are we good here?

Are we good here?

(Dad note: Very proud of our little girl – sitting is awesome by the way – underrated milestone in my opinion!)

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Lauren Girl here. I’m on a BIG adventure and thought I’d check in. Mommy and I headed to New York City early this morning for a business trip! Nice of Mommy to accompany me while I take care of some business, right?

Today was a full day of travel – Mommy documented our adventures all day long – here’s what transpired…

First we had to wake up super early and take a car to the airport ... well, Mommy had to wake up early anyways :)

First we had to wake up super early and take a car to the airport ... well, Mommy had to wake up early anyways 🙂

When we landed in NYC, we had to wait for the luggage. Mommy said she appreciated my company, but I wasn't so helpful with the bags.

When we landed in NYC, we had to wait for the luggage. Mommy said she appreciated my company, but I wasn't so helpful with the bags.

The taxi line was really long so we had to wait a bit (Mommy told me this later when I woke up)

The taxi line was really long so we had to wait a bit (Mommy told me this later when I woke up)

Then I took my very first NYC taxi ride! (Mommy also shared this with me later).

Then I took my very first NYC taxi ride! (Mommy also shared this with me later).

Finally, after all the travel, we were in New York and we had some Mommy/Lauren quality time.

Finally, after all the travel, we were in New York and we had some Mommy/Lauren quality time.

Then Grandma and Papa Boston showed up!

Then Grandma and Papa Boston showed up!

And they took us to Morimoto to dinner, where I have to say, the milk was fantastic!

And they took us to Morimoto to dinner, where I have to say, the milk was fantastic!

Oh yeah, serious food coma after that meal!

Oh yeah, serious food coma after that meal!

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… but how could I?!?

Oh, hey there!

Oh, hey there!

Sure, I got a smile for you.

Sure, I got a smile for you.

Nice, right?

Nice, right?

Daddy, let's regroup here.

Daddy, let's regroup here.

Oh, still there?

Oh, still there?

Am I rocking this standing thing or what?

Am I rocking this standing thing or what?

I see you, baby...

I see you, baby...

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Vacation? Not for me.

by Lil' Lauren on April 10, 2013

As Daddy has been telling you, I’ve been in DC all week with Mommy, Daddy and Maile. It’s been fun, but I’m a growing girl and I don’t have time to just lounge around. I told my Mommy – no slacking on tummy time just because we are in the nation’s capital!

(Click here for the video.)

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