Uncle Stephen’s mom always brings fun presents with her on Thanksgiving. This year she brought us … turkey hats!
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Growing up with a little of both and the lessons learned along the way
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Maile Girl here – it’s been awhile since I’ve written and thought I’d say hi and tell you a bit about our Thanksgiving so far in Boston.
It looks like Daddy already covered the snow … which was awesome! If you could take the temperature in Hawaii and add snow to the mix, I think that would basically be the best thing ever. We should talk to Olaf.
It’s definitely a full house here and Grandma and Papa’s and Lauren and I have been taking full advantage. Papa, Grandma, Auntie Elyssa and Uncle Stephen are all here and that doesn’t even count the other people that have stopped by to say hi and play with us.
On Wednesday and Thursday there was LOTS of cooking going on for our Thanksgiving feast. The whole house smelled so yummy. I even chipped in this year making mini Apple Pies that I learned to make at cooking camp a few weeks back.
Helping Daddy carve the turkey - I think I might be ready to go solo next year. (Dad note: not quite, Maile Girl.)
It’s not all cooking and eating though – we’ve also been spending a lot of time outdoors (even with the cold weather). Daddy has taken Lauren, Mommy and I on some walks and showed us where he grew up.
Daddy and I went to the beach to see what the ocean is like in the winter - I hope its different when we go to Hawaii next month!
On Friday, we went to Daddy’s school that he went to for Kindergarten and met up with his old friends – people that he’s known as long as I’ve known Tori and my other friends! We played in the snow and then Daddy played football with his friends. Well, at least that’s what he called it – it didn’t look like the football games he watches on TV. At all.
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Maile Girl here. Did you know that today was my Mommy and Daddy’s anniversary? It celebrates the day they got married. I have them tell me the story all the time – it was a really fun day.
But I’m not here to talk about that – today, I wanted to tell you how to write a great anniversary card for your daddy. NOTE: This probably works for mommies too, but Mommy was the one helping me so this time we focused on Daddy.
First, head to the card store and find a good card. I like to find the music cards, but apparently they don’t make those for Anniversaries. Instead I got one with fishies on the cover kissing. Cute, right?
Next, ask a Mommy (your Mommy will do) to spell out all the nice things you want to say to your Daddy.
You can ignore the crossed off area at the top, Mommy used upper and lower case letters and I wanted to focus on upper case only. Clearly.
After you have your message, get to work writing it all out.
And make sure you have at least 10 “so”‘s at the end when you say “I love you so much” – trust me, it makes a big difference.
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Today Daddy and I went to meet a new friend, Eamon. Daddy said this was a special day because Eamon and I will be friends for a long time. He’s even smaller than Lauren, but I love him already. His hair is really soft.
I already can’t wait to see him again AND for him to meet Lauren!
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Maile Girl here! Thought I’d write a hello for Mother’s Day. This morning, Lauren and I woke Daddy up early (surprise, surprise) and we set to work making a yummy breakfast surprise for Mommy. Daddy said that Grandma Jill’s Strawberry Soup would be perfect. Now, I love strawberries (and soup is typically pretty good too) – but I had never had strawberry ANd soup before. Plus, isn’t soup supposed to be hot? Daddy told me that Strawberry Soup was served cold AND that we could make bowls out of cantaloupes. For a second I thought maybe we had indeed woken Daddy up too early, but he had a plan so I went along for the ride.
And, boy am I glad I did. Not only was the soup super fun to make, but it was delicious too! Mommy was super happy when we surprised her with the breakfast. We even let her sleep until 8:30 AM – which is pretty much the latest she has ever slept (at least in my lifetime!)
After you get the bowls done, you just need to pour in the soup! (Daddy made it the night before so it was all chilled and ready to rock...)
The best part of the cooking part is the EATING part 🙂
(Click here for the video.)
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On Saturday, Mommy introduced me to one of her favorite movies, The Sound of Music. I can’t really tell you what it is all about because we mostly just fast forwarded to the parts where the kids are singing. But the music was fun!
Towards the end, we just let the movie play through and I have to say, I really didn’t like the parts where the children weren’t singing. Their family gets chased by some bad men. I would recommend just fast forwarding through that part – I know I will be next time!
(Dad note: I am thoroughly enjoying the beginning stages of Maile’s movie watching. I was in the other room when Christine started sending me these pictures – they just absolutely slayed me. I love her so much.)
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Maile Girl here – aloha from Hawaii! We’re still visiting with Grandma and Papa, but I’m very sad to report that Katie and Emily already went home to Japan. I miss them so much already! I had so much fun playing with them – check out all the fun things we did…
First things first, I showed them my new baby Lauren - they hadn't met her before - they hit it right off with her. I knew they would!
We attempted many times to take pictures all in the same purple dresses that Grandma got us - they didn't all work out, but we still had fun trying...
Grandma and Papa taught us Pokeeno - which is kind of like Bingo. None of liked losing, so that made things interesting.
I love you Katie and Emily! Lauren and I can’t wait to see you again next year!
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On Sunday, Mommy and I went on a special date to go see the Nutcracker at the San Francisco Ballet! I was so excited all week – every day I counted the days and it got closer and closer. When I woke up on Sunday morning, Mommy helped me pick out a special dressy to wear – I decided on the purple one I wore at Auntie’s wedding – it felt like it would well at the ballet.
BTW – Guess who was at the Nutcracker!!!
Okay, back to the show. It was amazing. I was a little scared at some parts, but Mommy was there. My most favorite part was the Waltz of the Flowers. It was magical.
Every year for Christmas I get a new ornament for our tree (it's a tradition Mommy started when she was a girl). This year I got three dancing fairies at the Nutcracker so I can always remember!
Do you think one day I might be able to be in the Nutcracker? I think so – I’ll keep working at this…
(Dad note: Special thanks to neighbor Bill for getting us the tickets!)
(Click here for the video.)
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On Friday, Mommy, Daddy and Papa Mike took me on a safari! Do you know what a safari is? It’s basically a zoo without any fences! At first I was a little nervous and thought maybe the animals would eat me, but they were really nice. The guide told me that if we are nice to animals they will be nice to us … usually anyways. That makes sense to me.
The safari was super cool. I liked the pink flamingos and the giraffes the best. I took LOTS of pictures.
(Dad note: The safari was pretty cool. I’d say Maile was a little too young – she was great, but it was a long day – ~3 hours. The guides were super knowledgeable, we learned a lot!)
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(My daddy apologizes for the lack of posts last week – we were a little busy in Boston celebrating with Auntie Elyssa and Uncle Stephen!)
As you probably already know, my Auntie got married last weekend in Boston. She invited me and Mommy to get ready for her. And let me tell you, getting ready for a wedding is WAY more than just taking a bath and brushing your teeth. We went to this special room in the hotel and me, Auntie, Grandma, Mommy, “her” (Dad note: inside joke) and Uncle Stephen’s cousin got our hair AND makeup done by these two ladies whose job it is to do hair and makeup (how cool is that job?!)
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