We arrived to prepare for the parade at 3 PM and didn’t finish up until 8:30 PM. What does one do during all that time? Lots and lots of pictures 😉
We had a lot of downtime before the parade started - Maile and her friends had a lot of fun goofing around in their costumes while the adults got the floats ready.
Getting her make up put on
Lauren got to play with the costumes too...
Lauren and Maile - ready to rock!
Mommy helped out with painting everyone's faces...
Family Picture (Lauren 2 and Maile 5.5)
Where's Maile?
The PKS contingent on the move...
Kelly sent us this today - apparently things got a little crazy at lunch!
What a goofball.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Maile’s really been enjoying the new YouTube Kids and all the videos they have around various arts and crafts activities. Over the weekend, she got excited about learning some new Rainbow Loom designs – Sunday morning she literally spent two hours working through different bracelet concepts.
She told me that she wanted to make some bracelets for my friends at work. I came up with the idea of creating an order form that she could use to ask people what colors they wanted in their bracelets. She got VERY excited about that … and thus was born “Rainbow Loom Braselits By Maile” 🙂
The order form that Maile created - I distributed them at work on Monday
On Monday after school, Maile set to work...
... and man did she crank them out - quite the pace. Once we get Lauren involved we'll have quite the factory going!
The finished product!
If you’d like your very own Maile Braselit – fill out the order form here!
She can crank one out every 7-8 minutes now – make sure you get in during this beta period while we are ironing out the kinks, next weekend I’ll be teaching her about pricing her product 😉
The best part – on Wednesday, Maile came to my office after school and hand delivered her bracelets to the team. Now that is customer service!
This shot really puts it in perspective - she'll be dunking in no time 😉
These days, you leave Lauren alone for a few minutes and funny things start happening…
What? He said he was hungry...
Same same 🙂
Please, please, tell her to let me chew! I just need to chew!
by Papa K on February 25, 2015
Lauren’s bedtime routine has become pretty … elaborate.
These are all the friends Lauren likes to go to bed with...
... don't worry, she still fits!
She is very particular about how all this comes together. First, you need to put all four of her blankets on top of her. Then she names her various dolls and animals and you need to make sure they are next to her: “kitty”, “dolly”, “neigh”, “bunny”, etc. etc.
Mommy does this whole process first. Then Daddy comes in and does the same thing.
On the plus side, as long as we didn’t lose anyone during the day, right after that, she goes right to bed 🙂
by Papa K on February 22, 2015
Kelly (our nanny) has been taking the girls to some gym classes on Fridays. To say Lauren enjoys this time is an understatement. Kelly sends us pictures each week and every time Lauren is smiling, laughing and running around with the other kids in a state of pure joy. It’s nice to be a two year old (and seemed like a nice way to start the week.)
Too Much Fun with Balloons
by Papa K on February 19, 2015
Grandma and Papa Boston left tonight, but not until they had a wonderful week with the girls. Maile was off of school this week, so she joined Lauren and Grandma and Papa and they went all over the city. Lots of playground time, a trip out to the Jelly Belly factory, legos, art projects, a trip to the library and culminating in a ferry ride out to Sausalito today! Whew, I’m exhausted just thinking about it…
Papa and his girls (Maile at 5.5 and Lauren at 2)
Getting goofy with Grandma Jill
We'll miss you Grandma and Papa!
by Papa K on February 18, 2015
(Daddy is very tired, so just a quick post tonight, but the girls are having an awesome visit with Grandma and Papa Boston – more to share soon!)
Maile enjoyed building Legos with Papa this afternoon - they made quite the castle!
by Papa K on February 16, 2015
Papa and I are lucky guys to have these 4 pretty ladies as our lunch dates!
Grandma and Papa Boston escaped from all the snow and are here visiting us for the week!