We had a fun Valentine’s Day weekend – how could it not be with these two?!
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Growing up with a little of both and the lessons learned along the way
From the category archives:
Lauren’s normal nanny, Kelly, was away the past couple of days, so we hit up UrbanSitter and found a girl named Brooke to help us out. She was fabulous with Lauren and as an added bonus, turns out she is a professional photographer and she took all these incredible photos of Lauren throughout the day!
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Saturday was my birthday and I had a wonderful day celebrating with the girls. Mommy coordinated the whole thing from morning cards and signs to afternoon cake and then a fun evening out on the town. A perfect balance of fun with the little ladies and then a night out with Mommy and friends.
Here are some highlights…
The benefit of waking up at 5:30 AM is there is plenty of time to write the perfect card for Daddy (since Mommy let him sleep in)
But the best part was definitely the singing of Happy Birthday, where Lauren just assumed you always use her name 🙂
(Click here for the video.)
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A couple of years ago when Maile’s school expanded to elementary school, the first class of kindergarteners started a tradition of a “semi-formal” or communal lunch. Basically, a couple parents help prepare a communal meal and the children help setup the room with glasses, plates, knives and forks and do chores like setting the table, serving and cleaning up afterwards.
These lunches happen 3-4 times a year. Christine and I helped out today and we had a great time. We joined with another family and made our theme about different ways to cook and prepare food. We made a smoothie and also showed how something as simple as vegetables could be arranged to look “pretty” and be art (they are doing a unit about what art is). The other family made pork sous vide style (which I’m not positive the kids totally understood), but they definitely got a kick out of the blow torch the dad used to finish off the pork!
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On Saturday afternoon, Mommy took the girls to get some Japanese American culture at the Japanese American National Museum. Conveniently, there was a Hello Kitty exhibit going on – so needless to say, Maile and Lauren are big fans of “getting cultured” now 😉
When at the Japanese American museum you need to pose for pictures just like your big cousins in Japan taught you...
(Dad note: Mommy also found some cool immigration records for her family – will definitely be fun to share with the girls when they are a bit older…)
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I had a conference down in LA this weekend, so we decided to bring the whole family. While I was doing the conference, Mommy and the girls had run exploring LA and visiting friends. On Saturday morning, they headed over to Disney and did one of those character breakfasts with Mommy’s good friend, Kari, and her boys. Maile loved every minute of it. Lauren, well…
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Last year for the first time, Maile’s school participated in the Chinese New Year Parade in San Francisco. The kids got on TV and everything!
This year Maile said she wanted to join in on the fun. For the past couple of weeks she and her friends practice for the parade on Tuesday afternoons. And last week, we picked up her costume…
And here is a sneak peak of their routine (Maile is in the white shirt right in the middle)…
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We went to our friend Cordelia’s birthday party on Saturday and they had this fun donut decorating activity. If (when?) Dunkin’ Donuts ever comes to the Bay Area sign these girls up!
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That's a very sad little girl, but she just had her elbow popped back into place and is on her way to recovery...
Saturday night we made an expected stop after dinner to the emergency room. A normal walk across the parking lot to our car quickly became something else when Mommy went one way with Lauren’s arm and Lauren went the other. It was a movement we’ve both probably done a thousand times, but this time, it caused her little elbow to pop out of place.
We knew something was wrong right away – Lauren was pretty upset. It wasn’t the worse scream I’ve ever heard from one of the kids (that would below to Maile when she faceplanted on the stairs at our old apartment and her mouth gushed blood)… but we knew something was wrong when it didn’t stop. Every time she moved her little arm she shrieked out a bit and it mostly was lying limp by her side.
It just so happens that a friend was telling us about this happening to his daughter just the night before … so part of me was thinking I was reading too much into it at first, but we decided to head to the ER anyways.
After a short wait (and a little Frozen for distraction), the doctor saw us and sure enough diagnosed “nursemaid’s elbow” and was able to pop things back into place pretty easily. As soon as it went back, Lauren was back to normal (tired, but back to normal)!
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