On Friday, our old nanny, Kelly, watched the girls since they didn’t have any school. She was making some lunch for the girls and when she came out she caught this cute scene of Maile reading to Lauren.
Maile and Lauren in their natural habitat 😉
Just something about the picture I really love – I feel like it captures the best part of being sisters or something. (And it is true that Maile’s reading is good enough now that she often reads to Lauren.)
We had a pretty fun Mother’s Day weekend here in San Francisco. The girls treated mommy to some home made cards, massages(!) and a new outfit picked out by Maile Girl. Daddy delivered on a pretty nice dinner date (if I do say so myself) on Saturday night and a great Sunday brunch at a new Hawaiian spot (aina – check it out if you are in SF).
Mommy by Lauren
Massages by Maile
At brunch I wanted to take some pictures of the girls – at first Lauren wanted nothing to do with it…

But, of course, once she saw Maile having fun, she changed her mind – and we got some fun shots…

I’m a lucky guy 🙂
The girls had some friends over on Sunday night and got into the makeup kit we got Maile for Christmas. Yikes.

I I might have mentioned this, but a few months ago, Maile really started enjoying cooking shows. We watch things like Chopped Junior, Good Eats and a few others – much better in my opinion than the cartoons!
In any event, given the interest, we’ve been cooking a bit more with Maile (and Lauren) as a result. Maile says she is training for the Chopped kitchen 🙂
Christine does most of the cooking around here, but today, we gave her a rest and Maile, Lauren and I cooked up dinner. Maile was the main chef and we had a lot of fun putting together a great meal.
In the morning, while still in our PJ's, the girls made a strawberry gazpacho - we let it chill all day and it was delicious!
Getting things prepped for some harticort verts and pancetta...
While preparing dinner, Maile was introduced to the sting of onion chopping so she went and grabbed these protective googles and they helped!
Maile is old enough now that we’re letting her do more things in the kitchen, especially with knives and chopping and prepping. She takes good care and its fun to teach her how to do things.
The funniest part is that while the girls like the cooking, they are still a bit picky. The strawberry gazpacho was a bit too “veggie” for them – we told them that next time we’ll make Grandma Jill’s famous Strawberry Soup.
Lauren showed this video to me the other night and we fell in love with it all over again. Thought it’d be a fun one to share for #tbt. Have a great weekend!
(Click here for the video.)
Sorry for the lack of posts this week! Tonight, two to make up for it – both featuring our little girl, Lauren.
In this first one, Lauren discovered how the filters work on the iPad and had quite a good time…

Last week, Maile and her class finished their unit on building and architecture. As the culmination they all designed their own buildings and set them up next to each other as part of a mini city. Maile built the school – it’s pretty elaborate – here she is talking about it…
Christine and I went over on Friday afternoon to see all the projects – it was pretty cool seeing what the kids came up with. Given that we’re still doing a lot of building at the actual school, might need to incorporate some of their designs 🙂
Maile Girl, School Architect
(Click here for the video.)
Was looking back at our April 22nd pictures and stumbled on this one…
Maile (3.5) and Lauren (3 months)
And then there is this one…
From January 22, 2013 – but still “I know a song about toes…”
(Click here for the video.)
On Saturday, Maile was invited to perform at the Cherry Blossom Festival in Japantown with her dance troupe. As a gift to the grandparents, I captured full video of the performance 🙂
First, everyone introduced themselves – Maile made sure everyone knew she was there…
Next, they did a fun warm up routine to get limber and ready…
And finally, Maile and her class danced a number to Bear Necessities…
(Click here for the first video.)
(Click here for the second video.)
(Click here for the third video.)