I guess the whole point of #tbt is to realize how much time flies – but man, can’t believe this was three years ago…
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We are at the eve of March Madness starting so Christine and I took some time with the girls tonight to fill out their brackets. We actually weren’t all together so I helped Maile with hers and Christine helped Lauren with hers.
For Maile, I decided to teach her about seeds and upsets this year. This lead to a much more “chalk” bracket – with the exception that she couldn’t quite pull herself away from going as far as possible with Hawaii. Because, ya know, Grandma and Papa.
In fact, she ran into quite the conundrum in the Final Four trying to decide what to do with a Hawaii vs. Duke matchup. Check it out:
As for Lauren, well, apparently our youngest is a Beavis. As in Beavis and Butthead. Once Christine told her that one of the teams was named “Butler” – she couldn’t get over it, thought it was hilarious and rode them all the way to the Championships. Yes, Lauren picked #9 Butler to win the NCAA Tournament because, you know, butts.
If you haven’t submitted your brackets yet and are looking for some tips, here are the girls complete brackets:
(Click here for the first video.)
(Click here for the second video.)
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One of the employees at Pocket has become super interested in pizza making and has been working to refine his techniques over the past couple of months. On Friday, for a happy hour, he said he show us all how to make our own pizza dough from scratch. I had the girls come over and we had a great time making some pizza dough!
Here’s a video of the girls hard at work ripping the dough…
Good times indeed!
(Click here for the video.)
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Lauren is making great strides (strokes?) at her swim class. She snagged two stickers on Sunday and is well on her way to her first ribbon.
This face is my favorite: “I’m so proud of myself even though I can’t read these things or tell you exactly what they are for!”
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Maile and Lauren went to a birthday party this weekend (for Lauren’s old nanny buddy, Elena). They had this great zipline that the girls loved – according to Christine, Lauren must have done it 40 times (after big sister, Maile, showed her the ropes).
First the big sister goes…
And then, of course, the little sister…
Elena’s dad got some great additional shots of the girls…
(Click here for the first video.)
(Click here for the second video.)
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I headed away for a “guys weekend” to go skiing – which meant that here on the homefront it was decidedly a girls weekend. Mommy kicked things off properly on Friday night with a “picnic” in the living room and a showing of Finding Nemo. (Maile’s review was it was pretty scary – she told me she liked Minions better.)
And just to make sure I was appropriately missing them (and trust me, I was!) – Mommy sent along these selfies…
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I’m heading away for the weekend tomorrow night, so I thought I’d do a #tbt a night early this week. While looking for a good one, I came across this video from March 2012.
The perfect reminder that the best part of a trip is the return home!
(Click here for the video.)
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When Christine and I lived in NYC, we often started our Sunday mornings with a walk to the local bagel shop for breakfast and a newspaper. Our favorite Jewish deli here in the city, Wise Sons, opened a new bagel shop last week right up the street from us. We thought we’d start a new tradition with the girls and went to check it out on Sunday. Not quite as relaxing as I recall our days in NYC with bagels, coffee and leisurely reading the newspaper, but still good times (and the bagels are great!)
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