From two years ago – sure to make you smile (other than the fact that this originally occurred at ~6:30 AM I was smiling too when it happened…)
(Click here for the video.)
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Growing up with a little of both and the lessons learned along the way
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From two years ago – sure to make you smile (other than the fact that this originally occurred at ~6:30 AM I was smiling too when it happened…)
(Click here for the video.)
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Saturday was the Women’s March and we joined the festivities here in San Francisco. Christine took the girls over to a friend’s house and they spent the afternoon making signs and getting ready. We then all met down in Hayes Valley and walked over to City Hall. It was quite the scene – people every where, happy, positive energy, lots of great signs and costumes. I’m not sure the girls fully grokked it, but Christine and I both felt good about bringing them and exposing them to their first “protest”.
I’ll readily admit, that I’m not sure 10 years ago, it would have been something I would have attended, but I’m very happy that my life has changed as it has so that joining was a no brainer. I love being a dad of two little girls and married to an incredibly strong role model in Christine – and I’ll march with them where ever and whenever!
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(I know, I know … 2017 has not started out well for me posting-wise. I hope to improve…)
Last weekend, we headed down to Anaheim for a quick day trip to Disneyland and to support Mommy who was running the Star Wars Half Marathon! We headed down Friday night, hit Disneyland for Saturday and then supported Mommy on Sunday morning.
We had a great day at Disneyland on Saturday. Both girls are at a great age for it – Lauren really taking everything in for the first time and being amazed by the magic and Maile old enough to enjoy rollercoasters. Yes! Maile went on every ride in the park with me – it was fantastic. Just look at the joy on her face…
Here are a bunch of other shots from a very fun weekend…
Within minutes of arriving at Disneyland, we had a Minnie sighting - got the girls in the right mood for the fun to come...
One of Lauren's classmates was there too so we spent most of the morning running around the park with them.
(Click here for the video.)
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Auntie Elyssa & Uncle Stephen sent Lauren some fun clothes for her birthday. The best part of the gift was definitely the new shades. All the ladies had fun trying them on…
Note the reflection of Lauren not totally thrilled the Maile is trying on her new shades 🙂
And, of course, the birthday girl her self (sending along some thank yous)…
(Click here for the video.)
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It was a couple weeks ago, but in looking at our Hawaii pictures tonight, I was reminded how great Maile’s birthday present to Mommy was this year…
She pretty much covered all the bases, although, oddly, I’m wondering if these already expired, because none of this happened this weekend 🙂
And a birthday post wouldn’t be complete with out some pictures of the girls with their Mommy as we were headed into Duke’s for our traditional birthday dinner…
(Yes, Lauren is still in the “no thank you on pictures” phase…)
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It was a bit jet-lagged, middle of the week and rainy – but that didn’t stop us from giving Lauren a “great day” for her 4th birthday, full of some of her favorites. From the waffles in the morning (a special mid-week treat courtesy of a Mommy that woke up early) to an ice cream capper at night (we’ll ignore the classic 4 year old-style melt-down before bed), Lauren made the most of her birthday!
Per tradition, we started the celebration a few days early while we were still in Hawaii with Lauren’s favorite cake – Hello Kitty ice cream cake from Safeway!
Last night Mommy showed off her “handiness” by putting together the bike that Grandma and Papa Boston sent over. To say Lauren was overjoyed with her new ride is an understatement – I have a feeling she is going to put some serious miles on that thing before its all said and done!
I took a few snaps throughout the day – here are some of the highlights…
Did Lauren hear Mommy stirring when she got up early to make waffles? Of course she did ... and was rewarded with some quality time cuddling and book reading before the day really got going.
Lauren on her new bike - its raining, but she can't wait to get out and take it for a spin! Thank you Grandma and Papa Boston!
After two weeks of seeing them every day, Lauren really misses Grandma and Papa Hawaii - so a breakfast FaceTime was a special treat to start the day...
At night, Lauren picked our dinner and we headed to Japantown for some noodles - we were very excited and quite pleased to have every one taking her lead...
Happy Birthday baby girl – we love you!
(Click here for the video.)
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As is tradition, as we start a new year, I like to post Maile and Lauren’s school pictures.
First up, Lauren. You may recall last year, Lauren went with quite the pose in her school picture. This year, no fancy pose, but she just absolutely crushed the smile. This was good to see because recently in our own pictures Lauren’s smile has come across a little more forced. We’ll need to chat with the photographer to get his secret…
And then we have Maile Girl, growing up way way too fast and not letting a couple gaps in her mouth get in the way of her smile.
And if you are interested in comparing Maile and Lauren at the same age – here is Maile’s picture at 3.5:
We are very excited to see where 2017 takes us with these two leading the way!
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With Lauren fast approaching four, we are now in the sweet spot for Santa visits. No one is scared and every one is looking forward to him stopping bye for a quick hello while on his rounds. This afternoon the girls were playing around the house when all of a sudden there was a knock at the door…
Maile, in particular, was very concerned because Papa Cal had been running errands the past couple of years when Santa came by to visit. Luckily, this year he was in the house and got to say his hellos!
Merry Christmas (and Happy Hannukah too!)
(Click here for the video.)
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At school, Maile has started learning about poetry. It’s been fun hearing about her explorations of this new literary style. She seems to really love it.
Tonight she came home from school with a little piece of paper with her “Christmas” poem written on it. It kind of blew us away.
I smell the christmas tree
it is lovely and some times
even pineconey
I feel the warm hugs and the
nice cool air
I see the tree and oh my gosh
could that really be so much presents
I hear the Jingeling of Santa’s bells
I taste the ginger bread house and
the lovely cookies
I love christmas it is so much fun
And, of course, Maile being Maile, she wanted to perform it as well…
’tis the season 🙂
(Click here for the video.)
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Never one to miss out on the opportunity to perform a bit, Maile spent time after school this fall taking dance classes with Miss Angela and the PKS “Dance Team”. (I have to admit, I don’t really understand how she keeps all the steps straight between the different dance classes she takes!)
Last week, they had their end of fall performance and Christine and I were able to attend. These videos are always a bit longer, but figure I’d post, as I know the Grandmas eat them up!
(Click here for the first video.)
(Click here for the second video.)
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