878 posts.
17,793 photos.
1,613 movies.
Memories saved – priceless!
A special shout out is in order to the Mommy behind the scenes – 90% of photos and videos you see on the blog are done by Christine. Sitting down each evening and seeing what she’s captured is one of the best parts of my day.
For those who are interested, here is what year 2 looked like by the numbers:
10,852 visitors to the blog – 29.7 visits per day. 70% of visitors visit every single day!
20 people discovered the blog by searching “shorts over sweatpants” – and finding this post. Welcome!
We’ve posted 378 videos to Vimeo.
5,099 plays this year on the Vimeo web site and 92,500 loads from the blog.
The top videos of the year were:
5. How Maile Handles Being Ignored
4. Duke vs UNC: Crisis Averted
3. Bossy Pants
2. Maile Gaga On the Edge of Glory
and DRUMROLL please…
1. Hangover
(Hangover actually passed our previous #1 video of all-time – Maile Yoda!)
On a personal note, this blog is a part of my routine now and as I mentioned above, I love doing it. The moments of reflection it gives me today are worth the time alone, but when I think about the story that is being pieced together for the future, continuing is a no brainer. For those of you who read regularly, I hope you enjoy the adventures of our little girl and that more often than not, she brings a smile to your day!
All our best on the eve of 3,
Matt, Christine and Maile
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