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Climbing new heights…

by Maile Girl on February 20, 2012

On Sunday we went to my classmate Teia’s 3rd birthday. It was A LOT of fun – I got to see all my school friends and there was this great park that we ran all around and explored. The best part was the climbing tower – Daddy and I have been working on my climbing so had lots of fun showing him how much I’ve learned. He looked a little worried as I got higher and higher, but he’s a good teacher, so I said, “Daddy, you have nothing to worry about. I got this!”

Concentrating like Daddy taught me - making sure I put every foot on a sturdy place...

Concentrating like Daddy taught me - making sure I put every foot on a sturdy place...

Dad note: On second thought, maybe this whole teaching how to climb thing was a questionable call...

Dad note: On second thought, maybe this whole teaching how to climb thing was a questionable call...

But how can you pass up this? Joy.

But how can you pass up this? Joy.

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Guess who came to visit for the past several days? Yep, Grandma and Papa Boston! So much fun. They picked me up from school on Thursday afternoon and we went non-stop. We hit museums and parks and went shopping, lots and lots (and LOTS) of eating. The highlight was definitely on Friday when Grandma and Papa came to school with me! How cool is that? Papa talked to all my classmates about being a dentist and Grandma handed out mirrors so we could look at our teeth. We all got to ask questions too. I was so proud to have my Grandma and Papa come to my school!

Grandma and Papa picked me up after school and we hit downtown...

Grandma and Papa picked me up after school and we hit downtown...

Papa and I goofed around - he's so silly!

Papa and I goofed around - he's so silly!

Grandma and I hit the stores - I showed her all the dressies that I liked...

Grandma and I hit the stores - I showed her all the dressies that I liked...

Papa was my transportation - I hope his back isn't too sore!

Papa was my transportation - I hope his back isn't too sore!

3 generations all together for Daddy's birthday!

3 generations all together for Daddy's birthday!

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Happy Birthday, Daddy!

by Maile Girl on February 6, 2012

My birthday is in July. But my daddy’s birthday is on February 7th. He’s going to be pretty old, more than 3 I think. We celebrated on Sunday and I helped him blow out the candles. We both made wishes. I hope mine comes true (his too).

(Dad note: My birthday is always a fun time to look back at how Maile has helped me celebrate. Check out last year and two years ago – which will absolutely blow your mind!)

(Click here for the video.)

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Maile, Daddy and our babies

by Papa K on January 30, 2012

Maile has been on a “mommy” kick lately, meaning that she liked to carry around her stuff animals in a pouch and pretend they are her babies. The other night she roped Daddy in on the action.

Maile, Daddy and our babies

Maile, Daddy and our babies

Daddy: What is your baby's name? Maile: Giraffe. Daddy: She's adorable. Maile: Thank you!

Daddy: What is your baby's name? Maile: Giraffe. Daddy: She's adorable. Maile: Thank you!

Maile: Your baby is cute too. Is she an Alligator? Daddy: Yes, her name is Allie the Alligator.

Maile: Your baby is cute too. Is she an Alligator? Daddy: Yes, her name is Allie the Alligator.

Love, love, Allie the Alligator!

Love, love, Allie the Alligator!



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Working on our Maile smile

by Papa K on January 29, 2012





Maile (the original)

Maile (the original)

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Just Maile Babble? Or Is It?

by Papa K on January 12, 2012

The other day Maile came home from school and told Mommy she wanted to read her a book. She picked up the “Hungry, Hungry Caterpillar” and proceeded to tell Mommy all about “máo máo chóng” on every page until the end when it became a “hú dié”. Some quick googling made Mommy realize that Maile was indeed saying the words for caterpillar and butterfly!

Pretty cool! So then Daddy, of course, had to grab the camera and try his hand at it 😉

(Click here for the video.)

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First Family (Board) Game

by Papa K on January 10, 2012

Awhile back Grandma Jill and Papa Mike started sending Maile High Five magazine (it’s the younger version of Highlights magazine for those of you that remember that). A couple nights ago Maile discovered that the back of the magazine had a game you could cut out and play. She asked if we could play it. The game is made for 3 players – perfect!

The rules are simple. Each player has a suitcase with pictures of 6 items inside. One at a time you pick a card from the pile. If it matches something in your suitcase, you add it in and then go again. If it doesn’t match it goes to the bottom of the deck and it’s the next player’s turn. Once you fill your suitcase, you get to close it up!

Maile loves this game! And she follows the rules (mostly) and takes turns. We’ve played it every night at least twice for the past 3 nights!

(Click here for the video.)

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A good question. It appears this week’s theme will be “slightly embarrassing things Daddy will do for his little girl”. Yesterday, we had the matching pajamas. Today, it appears the wrong person is wearing the floatie…

Look tough Maile!

Look tough Maile!

(Dad note: The truth is that Maile was scared of the blue dinosaur floatie thing and I was trying to show her it was no big deal. Really. No, really.)

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Matching Jammies for the Family

by Papa K on January 8, 2012

Every year, I buy Maile and Mommy matching pajamas for Christmas. Maile LOVES them – I think she would wear them every night if she could.

Maile and Mommy, matching jammies - 2012 edition

Maile and Mommy, matching jammies - 2012 edition

This year Daddy got into the mix too - although we had to explain to Maile that Daddy's top looks different because boys don't like patterned pajamas.

This year Daddy got into the mix too - although we had to explain to Maile that Daddy's top looks different because boys don't like patterned pajamas.

Dad note: I realize this is one step away from matching family sweaters – we’re not going there though. Matching is for inside the house only. Really. No, really.

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Christmas 2011

by Papa K on December 30, 2011

Christmas with Christine’s family is a multi-day affair (and this was even before my Hanukkah-influenced “8 Crazy Nights” came into the picture ;). Christmas Eve is spent at Aunty Cindy’s house where Santa comes to visit and Grandma Gail coordinates a bunch of family games. Christmas Day is a big luncheon with the families of Christine’s grandmother and her 9 siblings (that adds up to A LOT of cousins!) And then on the 26th we return to Kauai and open up all the presents under Grandma and Papa’s tree.

The girls are ready to rock Christmas...

The girls are ready to rock Christmas...

Waiting for Santa - as we'll soon see, not sure Maile fully understood what they were looking for - she was just following her cousins...

Waiting for Santa - as we'll soon see, not sure Maile fully understood what they were looking for - she was just following her cousins...

WHAT THE ...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WHAT THE ...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Santa, I've got my eyes on you. No fast moves!

Santa, I've got my eyes on you. No fast moves!

This is the best smile you are going to get out of me. (Dad note: Maile did great this year - she was nervous, but no tears!)

This is the best smile you are going to get out of me. (Dad note: Maile did great this year - she was nervous, but no tears!)

For me?!? So I make nice with Santa, take a few pictures, and I get a present? Now, I understand!

For me?!? So I make nice with Santa, take a few pictures, and I get a present? Now, I understand!

On Christmas Day, with the girls all dressed up, we decided to take some pictures…

Christmas Day family picture with Uncle Steve, Katie and Emily (Aunty Nao isn't arriving until the 29th)

Christmas Day family picture with Uncle Steve, Katie and Emily (Aunty Nao isn't arriving until the 29th)

Grandma Gail and Papa Cal with the girls

Grandma Gail and Papa Cal with the girls

On the 26th, we headed home to Kauai to a mountain of presents waiting under the tree for all the girls. They had a blast opening everything!

I wonder what this one is...

I wonder what this one is...

SO AWESOME! I got a real doctor's kit!

SO AWESOME! I got a real doctor's kit!

One of Maile’s favorite presents is the doctor’s kit that Grandma Gail and Grandpa Cal got her. Mommy and I have had oh, about a dozen check ups each in the past couple of days. 2012 is going to be a super healthy year for us with Dr. Maile keeping tabs on us.

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