The weather here in Hawaii has been beautiful, but for some reason, the water in the hotel pool is FREEZING! We learned this the hard way after Daddy promised me we could go swimming.
We're going swimming, we're going swimming, we're going swimming!!!
Hey Maile, this water is pretty cold. Maybe we should come back another time?
Don't be a wimp, Daddy. Get in there - I'll be right behind you.
Oh man, he really went in! Hahahahaha!
This is so great. It does look freezing though - no way I'm going in...
... let's just take our pictures here, I'll sit right on the side like this.
Woah, woah - what are you doing?!?
Yes, yes, I love you too, Daddy, now let's head back over to the side...
That was cold, but fun. Happy to be back on dry land under these towels!
by Papa K on December 19, 2011
Wait for it ...
Bam! Maile Girl smile in full effect!
by Papa K on December 18, 2011
I think this is probably a sign that Maile has been to the doctor’s office one too many times in her young life. Last week after her bath one night, she grabbed the charger from Mommy’s electric toothbrush and started to pretend it was a stethoscope on Mommy. This weekend it was my turn to go see Doctor Maile…
(In case you missed the punch line, she diagnosed me with broccoli in my tummy. I’m on strict bed rest and she expects me to be better in a few days.)
(Click here for the video.)
Guess what? Santa sent me a message – yep, lil’ ol’ me! It was kind of a performance review, Mommy and Daddy said they do those at work. We discussed my year and then it was decision time – apparently there is a “nice” list and a “naughty” list. I made it on the “nice” list! (I was a little nervous because I was a bit of a pill on Sunday. Apparently, this decision was made a few weeks ago, so I was in the clear.)
(Dad note: the video is a little longer than normal, we taped the whole message.)
If you want to see if Santa left you a message, Daddy says you can look here.
(Click here for the video.)
Maile Girl was sick most of last week. Fever, cough, cold symptoms. She’s better now (successfully handing off the sickness to poor Mommy), but this one definitely knocked her for a loop for a couple days.
Passed out half through a popsicle snack (which Mommy kindly cut up for Maile Girl)...
Mommy stayed home with Maile on Wednesday and Thursday and I covered Friday. She slept on me for about 3 hours Friday afternoon - I felt horrible, but I'll definitely remember the days where she'd fall asleep on me when not feeling well...
Hope everyone else is staying warm and well!
Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday – we go home to Boston every year and there are a number of traditions that I’ve been enjoying for many, many years. This year was the first year I really saw how much the traditions were changing with all the little ones getting to an age where they could actually start to partake in them with us…
Thanksgiving morning we went to the St. John's Prep football game - it was really cold! Mommy, Daddy hug me closer!
After Thanksgiving dinner, Maile enjoyed some dessert and football on the couch with Papa Mike and his friend Steve...
Daddy plays tackle (yes tackle!) football at his old elementary school the Friday after Thanksgiving - Maile didn't play this year, but hopefully she will be able to soon because its the only way Daddy can retire...
Friday night we hosted the St. John's guys and their families for dinner - Maile had a blast catching up with her east coast friends. Looks like we're going to find somewhere else for the picture soon though!
It was a great Thanksgiving – can’t wait until next year!
by Papa K on November 20, 2011
On Saturday we headed over to the San Francisco Auto Show. Neither Chris nor I had been before, but we thought it’d be fun to run around with Maile and check out the cars. We met up with Maile’s friends from school, JJ and Victor. The kids had a blast – they pretty much had free reign to run around and jump inside all the different cars (well, except the Lamborghini – the guy watching the Lamborghini was not amused when JJ and Maile jumped the rope and hopped inside!)
Even though we’re still 13-14 years away from the real thing, I thought I’d take the opportunity to give Maile her first driving lesson…
(Click here for the video.)
by Papa K on November 17, 2011
What better way to kick off the weekend then with a little Maile Gaga “Edge of Glory”?
(Click here for the video.)
On Sunday, I decided to put on a fancy dressy. I picked it out myself. It’s actually two separate dressies that I combined into one. Daddy said I looked so beautiful that I should be dancing with someone. I thought he meant to Lady Gaga, but he actually said we should try “slow” dancing. I told him I didn’t know what that was (typically dancing with Daddy is pretty fast) – he said he’d show me.
Slow dancing was lots of fun. Daddy said I could only do it with him for now though. Fine by me 🙂
(Click here for the video.)
We’ve been having so much fun with Grandma Gail and Grandpa Cal visiting that we are a week behind posting about some of our adventures. The Saturday before Halloween, we all piled into the car and headed out to Half Moon Bay to check out the pumpkin patches.
There was a petting zoo, but you'll notice no animals can be seen in this photo - that's because this was as close as Maile was willing to get...
While she wanted nothing to do with the real animals, Maile was a huge fan of these pink wooden ponies!
Stick 'em up!
You're a quick draw, Maile Girl, you got me this time...
Maile starts the search for her perfect pumpkin...
Found one!
Maile, if you want your pumpkin, you need to carry it. But, it's heaaveee...