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On Saturday afternoon I was missing Mommy a lot. I think Daddy noticed this and so he said to me, “Hey Maile, do you want to go on a date with Daddy tonight?”

I asked Daddy to explain to me what a “date” was – after all, I didn’t want to just go willy nilly agreeing to anything. For all I know he was asking me if I wanted to go to the doctor’s office and get a shot! It was kind of funny, when I asked Daddy what a date was, he paused for a second and said, “A date is when you get dressed up and go do something fun … with your daddy.”

Only with my daddy? Yes, he confirmed, Daddy must be prominently involved. Seemed a little fishy to me, but time to figure that out later – for now I was excited to go out with my daddy!

First, we picked out an outfit.

Don't I look pretty?

Don't I look pretty?

Daddy got all dressed up too – like he does when Mommy and Daddy ditch me with the babysitter for the evening. Then we headed outside. We walked right passed the car, which I thought was strange. Daddy said he had a “surprise” for me. We walked down the street and then we waited on the corner. All of a sudden, possibly the coolest thing that has every happened to me occurred. You’ll never believe it. DADDY GOT A BUS TO TAKE US TO DINNER! A BUS! I was in such shock, I couldn’t even speak for the first half of the bus ride.

Daddy and I on the bus, I'm in shock, which is why my mouth is open like that...

Daddy and I on the bus, I'm in shock, which is why my mouth is open like that...

(Dad note: Maile absolutely loved the bus ride. You would have thought I got a limo to pick us up.)

Unfortunately, the first two restaurants we went to were full. I tried to look as cute as I could and the hostesses genuinely looked pained as they turned us away. My Daddy is a resourceful guy though and he finally found a place for us to eat, Izzy’s Steakhouse.

The food looked okay, but I still brought my own...

The food looked okay, but I still brought my own...

Daddy looked so lonely without Mommy with us, so I insisted on sitting in his lap when his food arrived. He complained that it made it a little hard for him to eat, but I thought things went fine from my perspective.

Daddy looked so lonely without Mommy with us, so I insisted on sitting in his lap when his food arrived. He complained that it made it a little hard for him to eat, but I thought things went fine from my perspective.

We had a wonderful meal and we toasted (my milk, Daddy’s wine). I didn’t catch everything he said, but he did ask if I was enjoying my first Valentine’s date and I definitely said “yes, yes, yes”…

(Dad note: We’ll skip the end of the meal and the ride home – Maile wasn’t a happy camper – and just choose to remember the above. Maile Girl was a great Valentine’s date!)

(Click here for the video.)

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Family Picture – 19 Months

by Papa K on February 8, 2011

We realized yesterday that it’s been awhile since we busted out our actual camera and took some family pictures. The iPhone is just so convenient we use that for almost everything these days. In any event, on our way out to dinner we took some pictures of the three of us.

Maile, Mommy and Daddy - 19 Months

Maile, Mommy and Daddy - 19 Months

Maile & Mommy - 19 Months

Maile & Mommy - 19 Months

Maile & Daddy - 19 Months

Maile & Daddy - 19 Months

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Toasting My Daddy

by Maile Girl on February 7, 2011

Today was my Daddy’s birthday. I woke him up in the morning with a big kiss and then tonight Mommy and I took him out for a birthday dinner. (Mommy paid, I brought the cuteness.)

I wanted to do something special for my Daddy’s birthday, so I decided to bust out my newest trick for the occasion. I noticed that whenever Mommy and Daddy drink the red stuff they knock their glasses together first. Even though I was just drinking my regular old white milk, I decided to show them that I knew how to knock the glasses together too. My first toast!

(Dad note: In fairness, Maile did this for the first time over the weekend, but this was the first time we caught it on camera. Working on getting her to say “L’Chaim” but she is having trouble with the “ch”…)

(Click here for the video.)

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Hanging Hearts

by Papa K on February 1, 2011

Last week Megan and Maile started Valentine’s Day preparations. We’ve had a glimpse of what’s in store for us with the decorations currently covering our walls. On Sunday, Maile noticed an area of the living room wall that didn’t have any hearts. It was lonely and unloved – so we rectified the issue with some tape and extra paper hearts Megan had left us.

(Click here for the video.)

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We taught Maile an important life lesson this weekend … how to howl. Yes, I said howl.

(Click here for the video.)

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Fun at Kamalani Park

by Maile Girl on January 5, 2011

With one of our last remaining days on Kauai, Mommy and Daddy took me to Kamalani Park. It’s this great playground right next to the beach. I went there in June, but I was too little to really do much. This time I had the run of the place.

First, for the very first time, and exclusively captured on this blog, I got to swing ON THE BIG GIRL SWING!

Check me out - on the big girl swing, all by myself!

Check me out - on the big girl swing, all by myself!

This. Is. Awesome.

This. Is. Awesome.

Then Daddy and I tried to go down the slide. I say “tried” because, well, we sort of got stuck. I blame Daddy.

Umm, Daddy, why aren't we moving? Shouldn't we be going a bit faster on this slide?

Umm, Daddy, why aren't we moving? Shouldn't we be going a bit faster on this slide?

Can anyone see us? So embarrassing...

Can anyone see us? So embarrassing...

We ran around a bunch and then Mommy and Daddy put me back in the little girl, baby swing. I was bored. (Dad note: and by “bored” Maile Girl means “exhausted”…)

(Click here for the video.)

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Finally, the past couple of days the weather has eased up and I told Mommy and Daddy that I must put in some time at the beach before we head back home…

What up Kauai?! Maile Girl is in the house, ready to rock Kalapaki Beach!

What up Kauai?! Maile Girl is in the house, ready to rock Kalapaki Beach!

Maile: I hope this paparazzi gives me my space so I can soak up the rays. Mommy: Maile, you are wearing 50 SPF sun screen, not sure how many rays you are going to soak up. Maile: Come on Mom, why you cramping my style like that?

Maile: I hope this paparazzi gives me my space so I can soak up the rays. Mommy: Maile, you are wearing 50 SPF sun screen, not sure how many rays you are going to soak up. Maile: Come on Mom, why you cramping my style like that?

Here Mommy, let me help you with that...

Here Mommy, let me help you with that...

Nice, I approve, this is going to be awesome. Daddy, let's hit the ocean...

Nice, I approve, this is going to be awesome. Daddy, let's hit the ocean...

Retreat! Retreat! That water is WAY too cold.

Retreat! Retreat! That water is WAY too cold.

I'm just going to build some sandcastles for a little while...

I'm just going to build some sandcastles for a little while...

Here's what I came up with, what do you think?

Here's what I came up with, what do you think?

Haha! I have Daddy right where I want him...

Haha! I have Daddy right where I want him...

Umm... Maile, what are you doing?

Umm... Maile, what are you doing?

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The Return of the Radio Flyer

by Papa K on December 29, 2010

Long time readers might remember that last year Grandma Gail and Grandpa Cal bought the girls a big red Radio Flyer wagon for Christmas. We’ve been having a lot of fun with the wagon this year – hence the 4 minute video below capturing a few of our adventures…

(Click here for the video.)

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The Christmas Train of Horror

by Papa K on December 27, 2010

Before we left Honolulu we took the girls to the Ala Moana mall to ride the Christmas train. Last year Maile was too small, but it is a Murashige family tradition that Katie and Emily really look forward to and were excited to share with their cousin. As the title of this post suggests, things started out pretty good, but quickly spiraled downhill…

Guess what Maile Girl? Today you get to ride the Christmas Train!

Guess what Maile Girl? Today you get to ride the Christmas Train!

Psst. That's the train I get to ride today!

Psst. That's the train I get to ride today!

Maile and the Christmas Train - still friends. For now...

Maile and the Christmas Train - still friends. For now...

This. Is. Going. To. Be. Awesome. (Dad note: In hindsight this was the peak of Maile's excitement re: the Christmas Train adventure.)

This. Is. Going. To. Be. Awesome. (Dad note: In hindsight this was the peak of Maile's excitement re: the Christmas Train adventure.)

Umm... hey guys, where do the mommies sit on this thing?

Umm... hey guys, where do the mommies sit on this thing?

Speaking of mommies, where is my mommy?

Speaking of mommies, where is my mommy?

Oh, there mommy is. Mommy, I'm not enjoying this anymore.

Oh, there mommy is. Mommy, I'm not enjoying this anymore.

No, really. It was a nice idea, but I'm all set. Please take me off.

No, really. It was a nice idea, but I'm all set. Please take me off.

Daddy to my rescue! My hero!

Daddy to my rescue! My hero!

Daddy, it was horrible. The train was moving and I couldn't find mommy and they were singing all these songs and just kept clapping and smiling and clapping and smiling...

Daddy, it was horrible. The train was moving and I couldn't find mommy and they were singing all these songs and just kept clapping and smiling and clapping and smiling...

Below is the video of Maile just before her early exit from the train. Yes, the train stopped mid ride and we extracted Maile. She wants us to report that she is safe and sound and is looking forward to trying again next year.

(Click here for the video.)

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Christmas Eve, 2010

by Maile Girl on December 27, 2010

I hope everybody had a fun Christmas. It’s hard to remember everything that happened the past couple of days – it was a crazy busy weekend. I’ll consult with Daddy though and post some updates over the next couple of days.

Let’s start with Christmas Eve – by far the best part of Christmas Eve was that my cousins, Katie and Emily, arrived from Japan. Even though we hadn’t seen each other in a whole year, we fell back into our old ways right away (and by “old ways” I basically mean that I try to copy whatever they do).

From left to right, Emily, me and Katie - I missed them so much!

From left to right, Emily, me and Katie - I missed them so much!

(And no, we didn’t just coincidentally arrive at the Christmas party all wearing the same thing – it was planned by Grandma Gail. She buys us the prettiest dresses!)

There was one not so cool part of the night. I was going to leave it out, but Daddy says I should tell you about it. This guy Santa showed up. He brought gifts, which was nice and all, but I wasn’t the biggest fan. Let me start from the beginning…

First it was Katie's turn, she went up and got her gift. She's done this a few times already so she acted pretty cool.

First it was Katie's turn, she went up and got her gift. She's done this a few times already so she acted pretty cool.

Then it was Emily's turn - she was very brave. She's all smiles in this picture, but she told me afterwards she was a little nervous...

Then it was Emily's turn - she was very brave. She's all smiles in this picture, but she told me afterwards she was a little nervous...

Then it was my turn. I was all set. Did. Not. Want. To. Meet. Santa.

Then it was my turn. I was all set. Did. Not. Want. To. Meet. Santa.

Dude, thanks for the present, but if you make a move for me, I'm screaming...

Dude, thanks for the present, but if you make a move for me, I'm screaming...

I wasn't kidding - GET ME OUTTA HERE!!!!!!!!!

I wasn't kidding - GET ME OUTTA HERE!!!!!!!!!

I did get a fun toy out of the whole ordeal, but now I know why in most books Santa comes at night and leaves the toys under the Christmas tree… all set with meeting that guy in person!

(Dad note: it is an absolute trip to look back at the post from last year’s Christmas. I can’t get over how different Maile looks!)

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