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Mommy’s Assistant

by Maile Girl on October 5, 2010

Short post tonight because Mommy and Daddy have been really busy at work. The other morning Mommy even had to take a call at 6:30 AM! I had Daddy setup my computer and I helped Mommy take notes. We make a good team – I think she should hire me as her assistant and take me to work with her.

Running some numbers for Mommy...

Running some numbers for Mommy...

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Cooking a lovely water sauce…

by Papa K on September 29, 2010

I think it just needs a few more minutes...

I think it just needs a few more minutes...

Tonight Maile decided to help Mommy cook dinner. (Dad note: Yes, despite the fact that it is Daddy in the video below, it was Mommy who was doing the cooking and things got a little mixed up when she went to get the camera. All a nice way of saying that Daddy is a camera hog.)

In any event, Maile cooked a lovely water sauce and was quite pleased with herself…

[vimeo clip_id=”15416903″ width=”450″ /]

(Click here for the video.)

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by Papa K on September 9, 2010

As regular readers of the blog may recall, last January I spent a little time in the hospital. While it ended up not being anything too serious, my doctor suggested I not drink alcohol until some of my liver tests returned to normal. That ended up taking a bit longer than anticipated and up until last weekend, I hadn’t had a drink since January. 9 months! I was basically pregnant (minus a lot of the other stuff of course).

Last Saturday we got a babysitter for Maile girl and had an adult’s night out with Jake’s parents and Hannah’s parents. I got the all clear from my doctor to have a couple drinks.

Unfortunately, I also drew the short straw for taking care of Maile on Sunday morning. Going out at night is the easy part with babies – its the morning after that can be challenging. Even though I only had a few drinks, I actually was pretty hungover on Sunday morning. I woke up at 6 AM with Maile Girl and then when Mommy woke up, I crashed out on the couch.

As the video below shows, Maile doesn’t quite understand what a “hangover” is all about. Probably a good thing, but not so good for Daddy. Poor little girl just wanted to play with her daddy. Poor Daddy just wanted his headache to go away.

(Click here for the video.)

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Apples & Honey

by Papa K on September 8, 2010

Tonight is the start of Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year. To celebrate, Mommy picked up some apples on the way home from work and we had an impromptu meal of apples and honey with Maile Girl.

Teaching Maile how to dip the apples in the honey.

Teaching Maile how to dip the apples in the honey.

Yummy, yummy, yummy! Maile liked the honey ... a lot! ... but she had trouble keeping everything in her mouth. Mommy and daddy are still finding honey on their arms and clothes...

Yummy, yummy, yummy! Maile liked the honey ... a lot! ... but she had trouble keeping everything in her mouth. Mommy and daddy are still finding honey on their arms and clothes...

(Dad note: As the video below shows, I stumbled a bit on my explanation of why we eat apples and honey on Rosh Hashanah. Post video, we put a call into Auntie Elyssa and she confirmed that daddy’s explanation of a “sweet new year” was indeed correct. Mental note to call Auntie Elyssa BEFORE introducing any new Jewish traditions to Maile Girl in the future…)

[vimeo clip_id=”14820662″ width=”450″]

La Shana Tova to all our Jewish family and friends!

(Click here for the video.)

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Secret Weapon

by Papa K on September 6, 2010

I have an admission to make. I cheated a bit when it came to my fantasy football drafts this year. I had Maile Girl helping me with my picks…

Me: Maile Girl, I need a WR - what do you think? Maile: Hold on, let me check a few things. Take Wes Welker, I think he has good value right now. Me: Thanks, Maile Girl.

Me: Maile Girl, I need a WR - what do you think? Maile: Hold on, let me check a few things. Take Wes Welker, I think he has good value right now. Me: Thanks, Maile Girl.

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Morning Routine

by Papa K on September 2, 2010

Yesterday we covered some of Maile’s bedtime routine. Today a little bit of Maile’s morning…

Why does Maile look so awake and Daddy not so much? Maile Girl's already been up for an hour or so at this point...

Why does Maile look so awake and Daddy not so much? Maile Girl's already been up for an hour or so at this point...

Maile loves brushing her teeth – she sure knows how to kiss up to her Grandpa Mike!

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Can you guess who is who?

Can you guess who is who?

One of our new favorite activities is going on a family walk after work. Maile absolutely loves being outside and she especially gets a kick out of walking around with Mommy and Daddy. She walks between us and holds onto both of us. As we walk Maile giggles,  babbles and shrieks, telling us all about her day with Megan and Hannah. Its pretty much the best thing going. Since we are all involved its hard to take a good picture, so the shadows above will have to do.

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(Dad note: Before Maile jumps in and tells you about the fun day we had on Saturday, just a quick update on our Home Alone adventures. Maile has done great the past two nights. She’s gone down relatively easily and slept through the night. She still misses her mommy very much and can’t wait to see her on Thursday. For all those who asked, Chris is doing okay as well – she’s thinking about us non-stop, but she’s surviving and getting her stuff done in NYC.)

On Saturday, Mommy and Daddy took me to the Nihonmachi Street Fair in Japantown. The Nihonmachi Street Fair is a big street party for the Asian American community. I’m part Asian and 100% American so I qualified no problem (they let Daddy come too, so apparently the rules aren’t too strict).

It was a fun day – we had mochi and walked around to all the different booths. Mommy’s friend Johannah joined us too – it was fun to see her again.

Nah, I didn't have any fun at the Fair...

Nah, I didn't have any fun at the Fair...

They even had dragons that made loud noises – mommy thought I’d be scared, but it didn’t seem like such a big deal to me. Kind of ho hum to be honest. I knew there were actually people under the dragons – can’t pull something like that over Maile Girl.

Mommy, I know those dragons aren't real...

Mommy, I know those dragons aren't real...

[vimeo clip_id=”14231451″ width=”450″ ]

There was a band too and Daddy and I went dancing. He’s a fun dancing partner although if I get much bigger he said he won’t be able to throw me around like he does now. I say “suck it up” daddy, I’m not getting any smaller!

Watch out Japantown, here comes a Haole and a Half...

Watch out Japantown, here comes a Haole and a Half...

[vimeo clip_id=”14231613″ width=”450″]

(Click here for the first video.)
(Click here for the second video.)

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What did you do with my Mommy?

by Papa K on August 16, 2010

So Christine left last night for NYC on the red eye (she’s going to start traveling about once a month for work). She left the house at 8:30.

9:15 Maile wakes up (mind you, this is a bit weird – the last month, she mostly goes down at 7 and sleeps through the night).

I let her cry a bit, but she’s really upset. Its like she knows. I go in. Bunnies are thrown to the ground outside the crib (a new trick), snots everywhere. Tears. So sad.

She signals that she wants me to pick her up and bring her to Mommy. Hmm… that’s going to be a problem.

I pick her up and try to calm her down. She insists on leaving the room. She directs me to the bedroom where Mommy usually is. Alas, no one there. Maile is confused. She looks at me accusingly. “What did you do with my Mommy?”

She directs me to the living room (second most likely location for Mommy). Not there.

We go to the kitchen. Not there either.

All the while, I’m explaining to Maile that Mommy has gone to New York and that if she goes to sleep. And wakes up. And goes to sleep again. And wakes up. And again. And again. Then Mommy will be home. The key I remind her is the “go to sleep” part.

She still thinks I did something to Mommy. We check both bathrooms. We check the closets. We go outside. (That calms her down a little – look at the pretty trees.)

We open the fridge. No Mommy, but there are blueberries. Can I have blueberries, Daddy? Sure. Chomp, chomp. Starting to relax. “Seriously, Daddy, what did you do to Mommy?” We review the whole “go to sleep, wake up” thing again. She’s not buying what I’m selling.

I want milk. No I don’t. Yes I do. No I don’t. Yes I do. No I don’t. We do that for 5 minutes. We ultimately decide that we want milk. We drink 3 ounces.

We check the bedroom again. Mommy didn’t sneak back in. We grab one of Mommy’s t-shirts to bring with us. Smells like Mommy. Not Mommy though.

We go to the living room. Shall we read a book? Yes, Daddy, let’s do that. We read the “Kiss Kiss” book. Twice. Maile gives me some kisses. She’s forgiven me for disappearing Mommy. No I haven’t. Okay, just kidding about that part.

Yawn. Yawn. Eye rub. One last blueberry. Eye rub. Yawn.

Off to bed again. Cry. Cry. Sleep.

(Total time: 1 hour 20 minutes.)

Daddy, thank you for Mommy's shirt so I have something of hers to keep with me, but I'd really appreciate if you could return the real thing ASAP. Thanks.

Daddy, thank you for Mommy's shirt so I have something of hers to keep with me, but I'd really appreciate if you could return the real thing ASAP. Thanks.

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Family Pictures – 13 Months

by Papa K on August 9, 2010

It’s been awhile since we’ve taken a family picture. Tonight we got all dressed up to help our friends, Gary and MJ, celebrate their recent marriage. We thought it’d be a perfect opportunity to take some family pictures.

Maile and Mommy - 13 Months

Maile and Mommy - 13 Months

Daddy, it's your turn!

Daddy, it's your turn!

Maile and Daddy - 13 Months

Maile and Daddy - 13 Months

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