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One of our favorite parts of our annual New York trip is our play date with Tanner. Long time readers might remember the cuteness overload the last time these two got together in the Big Apple. Maile and Tanner are exactly one month apart in age, so it’s always fun to check in and see how they are progressing.

Things started off with some sharing issues (basically they both wanting to play with the same toy at the same time) and we had to remove a horsey from Tanner’s room since it scared Maile, but after about 20 minutes the two started to warm up to each other. Given that they are both hapa too, by the time we headed out for dinner, it felt like we had twins on our hands!

Tanner (20 months) and Maile (21 months) - yes, they are holding hands - more on that below...

Tanner (20 months) and Maile (21 months) - yes, they are holding hands - more on that below...

At the restaurant they were running all over the place so we taught them how to hold hands. (Dad note: I realize Maile is a bit young to be holding a boy’s hand, but Tanner seems to be an upstanding young gentleman – daddy approves.) They took right to it and spent the rest of the evening dragging each other around. Chris caught a bit on video – a little bit dark, but really, really adorable…

And yes, that’s Tanner going in for the hug on Maile. Those who know Maile, know she is a pretty affectionate little girl. Tanner puts her to shame though in that category. (On second thought, maybe that hand holding thing wasn’t such a good idea… 😉

We can’t wait to see Vanessa, Tanner (and hopefully Tyler, who was traveling for work) again really soon.

Woops - we got the kids mixed up!

Woops - we got the kids mixed up!

That's more like it...

That's more like it...

(Click here for the video.)

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On Tuesday, Daddy and I braved the awful weather and headed down to meet Vanessa and Tanner. Vanessa went to college with my Daddy and Tanner was born exactly one month after me. He actually has the same birthday as Hannah (my nanny share play mate), but I don’t think I’m going to tell her because Tanner is a cutie pie!

Tanner might be a month younger than me, but he's a big boy - they say I'm 90% percentile and so he is, but they definitely use different scales for boys and girls!

Tanner might be a month younger than me, but he's a big boy - they say I'm 90% percentile and so he is, but they definitely use different scales for boys and girls!

After some quick introductions, we got down to some serious playing.

Here Tanner's mommy is explaining the concept of "sharing" to us - we don't get it.

Here Tanner's mommy is explaining the concept of "sharing" to us - we don't get it.

Daddy taught me this move after the Wills "getting fresh" fiasco - he told me I employed it to perfection today...

Daddy taught me this move after the Wills "getting fresh" fiasco - he told me I employed it to perfection today...

I had so much fun meeting Vanessa and Tanner - I can't wait to see them again soon!

I had so much fun meeting Vanessa and Tanner - I can't wait to see them again soon!

(Dad note: here’s the Wills Gets Fresh post for our newer readers…)

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