One of the parents in Maile’s first grade class ran track in college and offered to train some of the kids for a mile run. Over the past couple of weeks we met a couple times at a nearby track and he taught them about running as a group, how to pace yourself, etc. The goal was for them to complete the mile run without stopping.
As it turns out, Lauren tagged along for the training sessions and ended up chasing after Maile and her friends. In the training she finished the mile without problem and became kind of a mascot for the team. So when we signed Maile up for the run, we signed Lauren up too.
Today was the run – called See Jane Run over on a course in Alameda. We headed out in the morning and had a great day – and all the kids did an amazing job. Not only did they all finish, but they also cheered each other on – and in Lauren’s case, Maile and some of her friends ran back and finished the mile with her. Christine and I were quite proud of the girls.
Part of a race is picking up your numbers...
All dressed up in our green PKS t-shirts and ready to rock!
Lauren played the part of mascot well...
Stretching out to get things started...
Maile Girl too.
Lauren had a few pre-race jitters, but good thing Mommy was there...
Here’s a video of Maile Girl finishing her run…
And here’s Lauren (with Maile and friends cheering her on!)…
Chocolate milk at the end of the run! Christine said she kept Lauren going during the run with chats of Chocolate Milk, Chocolate Milk!
The whole crew, post run
Look at the muscles on those girls!
Maile and Tori ran the whole way together - proud finishers!
One last shot - very proud of my girls 🙂
(Click here for the first video.)
(Click here for the second video.)